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Jaclyn’s Review: The Lullaby Sky by Carolyn Brown

The Lullaby Sky
written by Carolyn Brown
published by Montlake Romance, 2016

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, TargetBook Depository, Goodreads

Did I enjoy this book? This one has a promising plot–a woman escapes an abusive marriage and then opens a safe house to help other battered women. This book was a great idea, but horrible execution. None of the characters were believable or likable, I even hated the 5-year-old girl! How can you hate a 5-year-old girl?!?! The main character has no source of income and is only days out of finalizing her divorce from her abusive husband, when she suddenly decides to turn her house into, essentially, a bed and breakfast for abused women. She works in conjunction with a battered women’s shelter, who gives her absolutely no training and just starts shipping women to her. In a completely predictable and utterly boring plot point, the shelter sends her the pregnant fiancee of her ex-husband. They decide to be best friends and pursue a relationship between their children (who are half-siblings), even though pregnant fiancee is related to the Mexican mafia. WHAT?!?

It also doesn’t help that the story takes place in Texas and the dialog is so awful that I actually wonder if the author has ever set foot in the south. People do not actually speak this way! This was some of the worst writing I have read in a very long time.


Would I recommend it? Absolutely NOT! Bad writing, horrible characters, poor plot, definitely pass over this one.




About the book – from Goodreads: After seven years of misery and abuse, it’s all over—Hannah O’Malley is officially divorced. Hallelujah. It’s like every Christmas in her life all rolled up into one glorious day. Not only does Hannah get to keep her grandmother’s spacious old house, but she has full custody of her sparky five-year-old daughter. All Hannah has to do now is put the past behind her.

And now that she’s free, she wants to make a difference. With the help of her warm, close-knit circle of friends—including her high school crush, Travis Wilson—Hannah begins turning her home into a safe house for other women who’ve endured the pain she’s known. But even as life and laughter return to Hannah’s home, she’s haunted by the memory of her dangerously unstable ex. With a second chance at love on the horizon, Hannah must face down her past in order to let the sunshine back into her life.


Happy 2



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** This post first appeared on Every Free Chance Books ( on June 23, 2018.



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