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Review: Human Instincts by Ioana Visan (Melissa’s review)

human instinctsHuman Instincts
written by Ioana Visan
published by Ioana Visan

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, SmashwordsGoodreads

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange  for an honest review.

Did I enjoy this book: 
When I realized a few pages in that the plot involves a good looking female scientist heading out to an isolated, all-male prison to hopefully find a way to repopulate the Earth, I feared I was about to find myself neck-deep in an, um, Adult Film. It wasn’t as bad as all that (though I’d still label the book as a B-movie sort of thing), but it wasn’t great. I’m not sure if there’s going to be a sequel — the ending was rather ambiguous — but if there is, I doubt I’ll read it.


Would I recommend it: Not really, no.

About the book – from Goodreads: Dr. Deanna Nichols is a geneticist searching for a cure to save the world. After the war nearly destroyed it by releasing an aggressive virus, it was the vaccine that killed the humanity’s chances for progress and survival. Deanna feels guilty because she has participated in creating the vaccine, and General Mackenzie never lets her forget that.

Their luck changes when they are contacted by the convicts held in a secret military prison hidden in the arctic desert. The C deviance criminals are willing to negotiate and provide unaffected DNA samples in exchange for supplies and a visit paid by the doctor herself. Suddenly there’s hope, so Deanna embarks on a dangerous journey to a grittier reality than she had expected. 

Could a woman alone save the world?



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