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Melissa’s Review: Googolplex by KG Johansson


written by K.G. Johansson
published by Affront Publishing, 2015

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble (Nook) (print), Amazon, iBooksBook Depository, Goodreads

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Did I enjoy this book: 
I did and I didn’t. It’s a really cool concept, but it gets a bit hard to think about. Perhaps my, um, college self would have stretched my mind a bit (if you know what I mean) before trying to read this, but my late 30-something mother-of-two self has, you know, stuff to do later. So. It’s sort of got an Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind vibe going, which I liked. It’s also got Jack, whom I liked less and less the more I read. It’s got cool alien-type beings, which I liked, but it’s also got weird cat-people and DNA kissing, which I didn’t like. It’s a unique book that I think my younger self would have enjoyed, but it got just a bit too weird for my grown-up self.



“. . . he would have to search in the set of everything possible, in the totality of everything existing; in the universe, raised to the power of all its possibilities.”

“He couldn’t tell if he was happy.”




Would I recommend it: This would be a great book to take on a vacation to Alaska. Or Oregon. Colorado, maybe? Possibly Washington . . .


About the book – from Goodreads: 
If you could have anything but the one thing you really wanted, what would you do?

Jack is part of a group of colonists traveling to the distant planet Shylock to build themselves a new home. But Jack has trouble letting go of his past and the world he left behind. He becomes obsessed with what could have been, and with the help of multis – mysterious beings from parallel universes – he begins his search for truth. However, in a world where even love seems impossible to define, what can he find?

Swedish author KG Johansson was born in the fifties, grew up with rock music and became a musician. Today he plays and writes full-time – science fiction and young adult novels, film scripts, opera libretti and music books – and is one of the foremost authors of speculative fiction in Scandinavia.



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