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Blue Apron Subscription: Lemon Glazed Catfish

Hi, Everyone!

In an effort to spend less time meal planning and more time reading, I decided to give Blue Apron a try. It costs less than taking the whole family to a restaurant, and it seemed like a fun way to add some new recipes to my repertoire.

blue apron

blue apron food blue apron greens 
The Blue Apron box includes ingredients and recipes for three different meals. The default delivery choice is weekly, but you can skip around if you don’t like the week’s choices or just want to take some time off. Each week you have to choose from 5 or 6 different recipes (and yes, there ARE vegetarian options), so you can pick the foods that sound tastiest to you.

blue apron feb recipes

The first recipe I tried was: Lemon Glazed Catfish with Collard Greens & um . . . whatever the recipe card says. =)


The recipe was simple and easy to follow, but don’t believe the time approximations unless you’re a master multi-tasker. Aside from cooking materials, the only ingredients you need are salt, pepper, and olive oil. Not too shabby! The instructions also wanted me to keep washing and reusing the same skillet . . . I guess it’s nice to know I could’ve made dinner with only one, but I opted to dirty more dishes and toss them all in the dishwasher at the end.

skillet 2 skillet

Check it out! My finished product looks almost mostly sort of like the one in the picture! AND it was DELICIOUS. I rock!

lemon catfish


If I made it again, I’d:

~ skip the sugary lemon glaze in favor of plain old lemon juice

~ either invest in a mesh strainer (that freaky grain stuff is SMALL), or replace the grain with couscous or orzo or something easier to find

~ dice the collard greens instead of cutting them into strips so they’d mix more easily with the grain

~ feed the baby before I tried to sit down for a nice, relaxing dinner with Husband


The best part: all that packaging is recyclable! Yay!


I can’t wait to try the next recipe! For now, though . . . instead of making a grocery list, I’m going to go read a book. On the couch. With a cup of tea. Thanks, Blue Apron!








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  • by Michelle @ In Libris Veritas
    Posted February 15, 2016 3:15 pm 0Likes

    I’ve been super curious about this after seeing like 5 commercials in an hour. I’m glad to see you enjoyed it! I might see if we can all pitch in and try it out for a month or two.

    • by ferabeth
      Posted February 16, 2016 10:05 am 0Likes

      It’s not a very frugal way to eat, but then again, I managed to get Husband AND kiddo #1 to try new foods! I don’t think we’ll be doing it forever, but it is a fun “it’s too cold to go to a restaurant” alternative. I imagine my interest will taper off as the weather gets better.

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