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Blog Tour: Dragonfly by Leigh T. Moore (review, interview, excerpt, giveaway)

DRAGONFLY.jpegDragonfly (Dragonfly #1)
written by Leigh T. Moore
published by Leigh Talbert Moore

find it here: Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Goodreads

Why did I pick this book: I participated in the blog tour hosted by InkSlinger PR(I received a copy of this book for review purposes.)

Did I enjoy this book: 
I did enjoy this book. At first, it was kind of slow. It was a good story but it didn’t grab me. It took a while to finish it. But, I kept reading. And I’m glad I did and I can’t believe that ending! I can’t wait for the next book!!!

As I said, the first part was kind of slow and predictable. I didn’t like Anna all that much. She was kind of wishy-washy and needy. But she was a great investigative reporter. It was so hard not to yell at the book and tell her the one she is looking for it right in front of her. UGH! I wanted to yell but I didn’t want to scare anyone around me.

I loved Julian. He was a great guy. The sweet, romantic, artsy guy that I was rooting for. I did not like Jack at all. Not one bit. I felt bad for him in some instances but I really didn’t  like the guy. I liked Lucy and even Mr. Kyser. I didn’t like Julian’s mom, Alex.

That’s what made this book difficult to rate. The characters I liked were great, but not all central to this book. The one’s I didn’t like were more central. The story was good. I wanted to know what happened. I still want to know what happened (which is why I can’t wait for Undertow.) It just took some time to get hooked.


Would I recommend it: I would recommend it if you like romances with a serious story. Also, if you don’t mind cliffhangers and series!

Will I read it again: I will not but I will read the next book in the series, Undertow.


About the book: 

Three bad things I learned this year:

-People you trust lie, even parents. 

-That hot guy, the one who’s totally into you, he might not be the one. 

-Things are not always how they appear.

Three good things I learned this year:

-Best friends are always there for you, even when they’re far away. 

-That other hot guy, the one who remembers your birthday, he just might be the one. 

-Oh, and things are not always how they appear.

Anna Sanders expected an anonymous (and uneventful) senior year until she crossed paths with rich-and-sexy Jack Kyser and his twin sister Lucy.

Pulling Anna into their extravagant lifestyle on the Gulf Coast, Lucy pushed Anna outside her comfort zone, and Jack showed her feelings she’d never experienced… Until he mysteriously withdrew.

Anna turned to her internship at the city paper and to her old attraction for Julian, a handsome local artist and rising star, for distraction. But both led to her discovery of a decades-old secret closely guarded by the twins’ distant, single father.

A secret that could permanently change all their lives.

Please enjoy the following excerpt from Dragonfly.

Falling in Love Changes Everything…

“C’mon,” Julian said, helping me stand. “Let’s blow off this party and catch a movie or go to Scoops. This isn’t our scene.”

I shook my head. “I just really want to go home.” The tears were trying to start again. “Can I just go home now?”

“Sure,” he said, holding my cheek. I took a limping step, and he stopped. “Does it hurt to walk?” 

My leg was throbbing. I nodded, looking down, and before I realized what was happening, he was lifting me in his arms. 

“Julian, wait,” I held his shoulders. “I’m too heavy!” 

“It’s okay,” he said, walking on. I sighed and leaned my head against his shoulder. I didn’t feel like fighting. Gentle pressure against my temple, and he’d kissed me. “You’ll get over this,” I heard him say under his breath.

Every Free Chance Book Reviews is pleased to welcome Leigh Talbert Moore, author of Dragonfly and Rouge, to the blog today. She has answered some questions for all of you.

Where did you get your inspiration for DragonflyWhen I wrote it, I was living near the coast in south Alabama, and a realtor there laughingly told me once how visitors to the area always thought their resort chain was named after a real man (it wasn’t).

That kind of got my imagination going, and I came up with this soapy family saga surrounding a man who developed this small coastal town. His “big secret,” which readers will learn more about in Book #2 (Undertow), launched this whole chain of events that main character Anna stumbles into.

Please tell us in one sentence only, why we should read your book. It’s steamy and sexy and there’s a mystery, and it’s all set at the beach!

Any other books in the works? Goals for future projects? Well, I’m going to complete the Dragonfly series through early 2014. The first two books are written, so they’re coming out quickly. Book #3 (Watercolor) is almost finished, so it will be out late Sept/early Oct. Then Book 4 is all notes. I hope to have it done by early Jan 2014. I think that will wrap it up. After that, I’m back to finishing the Rouge series.

From your bio, I see that you were a journalist and an editor. What do you find more challenging – being a journalist, editor, or writer – and why? By far being a novelist is the most challenging job. First, I have to keep my own self going—I don’t have a boss or coworkers looking at me to get things done or tell them what to do. Second, it’s a wildly unpredictable field. But that’s part of the fun. And I love it.

What do you enjoy most about writing? Creating these stories and living vicariously through these fascinating characters. And then hearing from readers who get them and love them. That is THE Best part.

On your blog, you say that you enjoy speaking at book clubs. I belong to a book group and enjoy the lively conversation that comes from that setting. Can you tell us why you enjoy speaking to book clubs? Is there a particular story or group that sticks out in your mind? I actually founded a book club in my last hometown with about 12 friends who also loved to talk and read and deconstruct books. I was also an English major in college, and I taught high school English one year. I guess it’s just in me somehow. I love to talk and I love books—LOL!

What is your favorite genre to read? Contemporary romance. Hands down. I love a great love story!

Who is your favorite author? Oh, gosh. I have so many favorite authors. I love Barbara Kingsolver and Sarah Dessen and Deb Caletti… and then I have NEW favorite writer-friend authors like Jolene Perry and Susan Kaye Quinn and Magan Vernon and Karen Hooper and…

In your opinion, what is one book that everyone should read? Now THAT is a hard question… I go through phases of recommending certain books to everyone to read. Like for a while I was telling everyone to read The Help, and then it was The Hunger Games… I suppose whatever great book I read last!

Tell us three things about yourself that cannot be found on the internet…at least not found easily. Holeee… what can be found about me on the Internet??? That’s a scary thought. I guess… hmm… most people don’t know I’m a total movie geek. When I was a tween, I fell in love with old black and white film noir because of my late grandmother, and then I just stayed with it! Now I know way too much about movies not to be a full-time film critic!

Two more things…? Umm… I have a secret tattoo (not anymore!) and my mom’s little brother used to call me “Leigh Roy” all the time when I was a kid because he knew it drove me crazy—LOL!

Thank you so much for having me here and for helping me spread the word about Dragonfly! I hope you enjoy my new series and all my books~ J <3

Leigh Talbert MooreAbout the author: Leigh Talbert Moore is the author of the popular young adult romantic comedy The Truth About Faking, its companion The Truth About Letting Go, and the mature YA/new adult romantic suspense novel Rouge, a Quarter Finalist in the 2013 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award.

She is an award-winning journalist and editor, who has also worked in marketing and public relations for many years. Her writing has appeared in newspapers and magazines across the southeast and Midwest U.S., and she runs the popular writing-craft blog That’s Write.

A southern ex-pat and beach bum, she currently lives with her husband, two young children, and one grumpy cat in the Midwest.

Read excerpts of her books on Wattpad and Figment!

Find Ms. Moore here: FacebookAmazon Author pageTwitterTumblr, Goodreads


And now for the GIVEAWAY!! Fill out the Rafflecopter form below for your chance to win a Kindle Touch loaded with all FOUR of Leigh’s books AND an exclusive eARC of Undertow; A signed, print set of Dragonfly and Undertow, or ebook sets of both!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Happy reading wherever you are and whenever you get a free chance!!!


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