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Cover Reveal: For Everly by Raine Thomas (cover reveal, poll, giveaway)

For Everly

A New Adult Contemporary Romance

written by Raine Thomas

Raine Thomas is so excited to share the new cover of her upcoming New Adult novel, For Everly. There’s only one problem: she can’t decide which it will be!

After commissioning two talented cover designers, Tonya Dsigns and Allie B Designs, to send her concepts, Raine fell in love with their different styles. Now, she wants readers to decide which she’ll use as the final cover.

In a fun spin on Ye Olde Cover Reveal, Raine has set up a poll so readers can vote on the cover. The winning design will be announced on Monday, May 6th. All voters can enter to win a signed paperback of For Everly after its release on May 27th using the Rafflecopter form below.


First, check out the book blurb and the beautiful covers (shown in no particular order). Then cast your vote and enter the giveaway. May the best cover win!


Determined to overcome a dark and tragic past, college student Everly Wallace is only months away from earning her degree in physical therapy. She’s consumed with school, caring for her ailing grandfather, and figuring out how to pay the next bill. The last thing she wants is a relationship, but it just might be the one thing she needs.

Major League pitcher Cole Parker hasn’t fought for anything in his life. He went from a privileged upbringing to a multi-million dollar All-Star career. But when his pitching shoulder starts to give him trouble at only twenty-four years old, he faces the possibility of his injury becoming public knowledge and costing him everything.

In a desperate bid to save his career, Cole decides to hire someone to treat his injury, someone who will keep things off the record and out of the media. He finds the perfect solution in Everly. As mysterious as she is beautiful, she provides an enticing distraction from his pain. Soon, physical therapy is the last thing on his mind.

When an act of betrayal brings the truths they both fear to light, Cole will have to fight for the first time in his life…not just for his career, but for Everly’s love. 

For Everly Cover 1For Everly Cover 2

Coming May 27, 2013 by Iambe Books, LLC

Add it to your to-read list on Goodreads!








Raine Thomas Headshot (small)

About the author: Raine Thomas is the award-winning author of a series of YA fantasy/romance novels about the Estilorian plane, including the Daughters of Saraqael trilogy and the Firstborn trilogy. Her upcoming release, For Everly, is a New Adult Contemporary Romance. She is a proud member of Romance Writers of America and is a contributing blogger to The Writer’s Voice. When she isn’t planning weddings, writing or glued to social networking sites, she can usually be found on one of Florida’s beautiful beaches with her husband and daughter or crossing the border to visit with her Canadian friends and relatives.

Find Ms. Thomas here: web, blog, Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, Pinterest, LinkedIn



And now for the GIVEAWAY!! Fill out the Rafflecopter form below for your chance to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Happy reading wherever you are and whenever you get a free chance!!!

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  • by Meghan Stith
    Posted April 26, 2013 9:00 pm 0Likes

    I don’t know where the poll is but I choose cover #1!
    mestith at gmail dot com

    • by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
      Posted April 26, 2013 9:22 pm 0Likes

      I’m sorry, Meghan! I had to make the graphic for the poll larger! Thanks for stopping by and entering the giveaway. I like cover #1, too!!!

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