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The EFC Life: 2022 Goals
I like to set goals each year. I have a number of personal and professional goals that I’m hoping to meet. I’m breaking those goals down into quarterly goals. This way I can keep track of my progress toward that big yearly goal. How do you stay on track with your goals?
I set my Goodreads goal for 100 books this year. Do you set a Goodreads goal? If you’d like to be friends on Goodreads, you can find me here.
I bought a Fully Booked planner from Little Inklings Design this year. There are some great challenges included in it, such as the A to Z Challenge, the 2022 Fully Booked Reading Challenge, and a few more. I also found a few other challenges I’m going to try this year.
- The 2022 POPSUGAR Reading Challenge
- Book Riot’s 2022 Read Harder Challenge
- The 52 Book Club’s 2022 Reading Challenge
Are you doing any reading challenges this year? Share them in the comments so we can participate too!
And don’t forget about The EFC Readers, our Facebook group where we share what we are reading and talk about books and book-related topics. If you would like to join this community of EFC Readers, please click here.
Health and Fitness
I set goals for my overall health and fitness every year. Some years I meet those goals, and other years I fall short. I started off great last year, but a few health issues popped up that really derailed my efforts. I’m ready to do the work and crush my goals this year. My goals include getting at least 10,000 steps per day and drinking at least 80 ounces of water a day. I’m also going to follow the 2B Mindset from Ilana Muhlstein. I have a few other goals as well.
What are your health and fitness goals for 2022?
Hobbies and Projects
I have so many projects and hobbies to do this year. I have photo albums to complete, I want to start cross stitching again, and I will play my piano more. We got a new piano last summer, and it sounds gorgeous. I love playing it. I’m also going to paint more. I love painting, and my favorite online tutorials are from the Art Sherpa. I’ll be sure to share some of my paintings and cross stitch projects with you.
What projects do you want to complete? Do you have any hobbies to get back into?
Blog and Business
Like every year, I have a lot of goals for the blog and my editing business. I know I didn’t post as much in 2021, but I did redesign the blog and my business website. Ursta Web Solutions did a fabulous job with both websites. I highly recommend his services. This year I will post more content, including book reviews and spotlights, EFC Life posts, and EFC Kitchen posts.
What are some posts you’d like to see here?
Last year, EFC Services, LLC added writer coaching to our services. Our other services include copyediting, proofreading, formatting, blurb writing, and more. Visit our website to learn more!
Writing and Journaling
I’ve been journaling for a few years now, and I love it. I write what I’m grateful for each day and what I’m trying to achieve, my goals. I completed the first year of Plum Paper’s 5-year journal last year, and I’m starting over again this year. I have other writing goals for this year as well. Do you journal or write?
What are your goals and resolutions for 2022?
* This post may contain affiliate links.
** This post first appeared on Every Free Chance Books (everyfreechance.com) on January 3, 2022.