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Jaclyn’s Review: Room to Breathe by Liz Talley

Room to Breathe
written by Liz Talley
published by Montlake Romance, 2019

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Target, Book Depository, Goodreads

Did I enjoy this book? I chose this book as one of my Amazon Prime monthly free books. It sounded like it had a really cute premise. Unfortunately, that’s about where the cuteness ended. I had a very difficult time liking either of the main characters. Daphe’s character was made out to sound like a very frumpy old woman when in fact her physical appearance and age were exactly the opposite! Her daughter Ellery is a spoiled brat who is so self-absorbed that she didn’t even notice her fiancé’s apathy, or the glaringly obvious reason WHY. The character that I most pitied was Clay, since he swoops in to rescue not one but BOTH of the main characters and gets absolutely nothing by the end of the story! Is his purpose really just to save people from themselves and walk away into the sunset? I didn’t love this book, but I didn’t completely HATE it either.

Would I recommend it? Ultimately, no, I would not recommend this book. I feel like I got my money’s worth out of this one . . . $0!!



About the book – from Goodreads: For a good part of Daphne Witt’s life, she was a supportive wife and dutiful mother. Now that she’s divorced and her daughter, Ellery, is all grown up, Daphne’s celebrating the best part of her life, a successful career, and a flirtation with an attentive hunk fifteen years her junior…who happens to be her daughter’s ex-boyfriend.

Ellery is starting over, too. She’s fresh out of college. Her job prospects are dim. And to support her fiancé in med school, she’s returned home as her mother’s new assistant. Ellery never expected her own life plan to take such a detour. With no outlet for her frustration, she lets an online flirtation go a little too far, especially considering her pen pal thinks he’s corresponding with her mother.

As love lives tangle, secrets spill, and indiscretions are betrayed, mother and daughter will have a lot to learn—not only about the mistakes they’ve made but also about the men in their lives and the women they are each hoping to become.


Happy 2


* This post contains affiliate links.
** This post first appeared on Every Free Chance Books ( on January 17, 2020.



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