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Thoughts After My Harry Potter Reread

I decided to reread the Harry Potter series earlier this year. I haven’t read the series in a few years, and I truly missed it. It was like visiting and catching up with an old friend. I didn’t start reading the series until I was 29. I forget which book was being released, but I wanted to see what the hype was about. And I fell in love after the first book. It is an amazing story, and I’m in awe of what J.K. Rowling wrote and how the books connect. The little clues and hints through all the books are so well done. I find something new each time I read the series.

The roles Sirius, Lupin, and Molly played in Harry’s life really stood out to me during this reread. I love all three of them. I really do. And in my first few reads of the series, I thought Sirius was great, and I was sad that he and Harry never got to be a family. I still have those feelings. But . . . as a 41-year-old mother, I realized on this read that Sirius was a great godfather, friend, uncle, and brother but not a parental figure. He was missing his best friend and looked to Harry to fill that void. If given the chance and life, it probably would’ve worked out, but he wasn’t what Harry needed at that time. Harry needed the parental guidance and love that Lupin and Molly showed him.

While Molly was seen as a bit overbearing and always worried, she wanted Harry to have a chance to be a kid. She loved him as one of her own. She knew what was ahead of him. She knew he had no one. She knew he needed a mom. She knew, and as a mother, I recognized that . . . more so on this read than any other. It keeps resonating more as my kids get older. They are finding their way, but they need me to be there for them and help guide them.

Lupin was Harry’s best teacher. He taught and watched out for him. He was a wonderful godfather-type of figure and an uncle of sorts. I’m glad Harry put him in his place in the last book; Lupin needed that. And Harry needed Lupin. I wish their relationship had been more, but it worked and it was important. Lupin was a voice of reason and a father figure for Harry.

I can’t wait for my next reread. I know something new will come to me. Who knows? My thoughts on Molly, Lupin, and Sirius may change once again.

What are your thoughts on Molly, Sirius, and Lupin and their roles in Harry’s life?



Happy 2

* This post may contain affiliate links.
** This post first appeared on Every Free Chance Books ( on August 19, 2019.


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