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Melissa’s Review: Rapture of the Deep by David A. Grindberg

Rapture of the Deep: A NovelRapture of the Deep
written by David A. Grindberg
published by Indian Grass Books, 2014

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & NobleAmazon, Book Depository, Goodreads

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Did I enjoy this book: 
Absolutely. It’s one of those books that’s too good to read quickly. Grindberg’s prose is downright beautiful, and his storytelling is spot on. The characters were big and complex and full of those teeny little details that make them truly come to life. Well done.


“Meg really believed that friendship would and should trump everything else, including this indiscretion. It never occurred to her that even the most casual of friendships are always predicated upon an assumed, nearly invisible, honesty. Thus when Meg left Jeff, when the honesty was discarded and it became clear that Meg was not the wife, the mother, the person she pretended to be, that nearly invisible foundation began crumbling. Naivete. Meg really believed that her affair was a private matter and that other than Jeff and her girls no one else could or should claim a stake. It never occurred to her that when nearly invisible foundations start crumbling, even the most casual of friendships have a way of becoming casualties. For eleven years Meg said she was Jeff’s wife. For eight of those years she said she was Molly and Maci’s devoted mom. What she didn’t understand is that when it comes to everything else and everyone else, being who you say you are matters.”



Would I recommend it: Again, absolutely.


About the book – from Goodreads:

In the middle of the night, the doorbell rings, and Jennifer Johnson is pulled from a deep sleep. Outside her front door stand two police officers, messengers bearing tragic news. Joe, Jen’s recently estranged husband, is missing, the victim of a scuba diving accident.

Joe “Puck” Johnson is a master carpenter. He is quiet, thoughtful, and passionately loves his deeply scarred wife. Their separation, unwanted, painful, and immersed in unfinished business, is now punctuated by this unfathomable loss.

Tom Hyden is a high profile banker. He has the perfect home, the perfect wife, the perfect child, the perfect everything; yet beneath the surface of his well manicured life Tom carries a dark and shameful secret.

Born and raised in the small Iowa town of Lake Pulaski, these two men cannot remember a time before their friendship. It is a bond most recently sealed by their mutual love of scuba diving. Beneath the waves diving provides a peaceful respite. However on the surface, their worlds are reeling and the peace they so desire is being torn asunder. Both men find their families disintegrating and their lives twisting apart, the result of events they cannot talk about, even with each other.

So Tom and Joe are lost, and they must now take a journey that for one will lead to tragedy and the other redemption…


Happy 2

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