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Melissa’s Review: Doppelganger by Shawn Stern

written by Shawn Stern
published by Invader Press, 2014

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & NobleAmazonBook Depository, WalmartGoodreads

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Did I enjoy this book: 
I did! The prose is nothing to write home about, but the story itself is pretty cool. Shane handles the crazy string of events way better than I would–I’m pretty sure I’d be weeping in a corner for days even if I was just a random person who walked by the bank while it was being robbed. So, yeah. Shane’s my kind of guy (and it doesn’t hurt that he gets a bit hunky when he absorbs Cole). I can’t wait to see what happens next!


Would I recommend it: Sure! It would be a great beach read . . . hmm . . . now I need to go to the beach . . .



About the book – from Goodreads:


The day Shane Fisher is mistaken for one of the thieves of a bank robbery, his ordinary life is turned upside down. Propelled into a dark dangerous world, he must race to discover the truth about himself and a reality he never knew existed. With the help of a mysterious stranger, Shane discovers that he possesses powers and abilities far beyond his wildest imagination.

DOPPELGÄNGER is an adventure of murder, betrayal and chaos; one man’s loss – and discovery of personal identity.


Happy 2

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