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Review: For Internal Use Only by Cari Kamm
For Internal Use Only
written by Cari Kamm
published by Cari Kamm
find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Book Depository, Goodreads
Why did I pick this book: I participated in the blog tour hosted by AToMR Tours. (I received a copy of this book for review purposes.)
Did I enjoy this book: I really didn’t. I found For Internal Use Only to be slow and rather boring and not at all humorous. I guess I was expecting something more akin to chick lit. This is not chick lit, or humorous. It was a bit of a let down from the blurb.
I didn’t like Chloe Kassidy. She wasn’t an engaging character, I didn’t care about her. She was wishwashy. She’s talented in photography but lacks confidence. She’s so focused on her career yet she is falling so hard for Christophe, someone she hasn’t even met yet, that she can’t get her gallery pieces together.
Christophe is a jerk, an ass, one of those “I’m so great, can’t you see how I only make you better” type of guys. He just made me angry from the very first moment we met him. Christophe is abusive. One minute he’s all sweet, the next he is telling Chloe how she can’t see how much he loves her and that he is the best thing that has ever happened to her. And what really irritated me about Christophe (the ending, notwithstanding because that was really bad) was that he kept calling Chloe baby and asking her what she was wearing. Gross.
Chloe’s friends were all very snobbish and condescending. The married couple treated her like a helpless child who couldn’t make decisions for herself. And Chloe let them. I hated Chloe’s one line about how having a meal ruined is like being “robbed of natural childbirth.” That’s ridiculous and one of the many reasons why I disliked this book. I really hated the ending. Just no. No. UGH! I wish I had DNF’d this book.
Would I recommend it: I would not.
Will I read it again: I will not.
About the book: A humorous love story with an edgy and dramatic twist, For Internal Use Only is a vastly entertaining novel that gives each of us a new fairy tale to look forward to: our own.
Chloe Kassidy has just been accepted into one of Manhattan’s most exclusive art exhibits, Love Through Light. However, with her singular dedication to her career, she soon realizes that in sacrificing her personal life, she has never been in love. A hopeless romantic who is terrified of heartbreak, Chloe begins to enlist the help of her circle of friends to learn about love through their very different stories and experiences.
In Chloe’s emotional roller coaster to having the greatest love story ever told, she’ll learn that like her photography she must use the negatives in life to develop and prove that she’s a strong woman who found her way to love through light.
Inspired by the notion that women grow up with ideas of true love and destiny, For Internal Use Only approaches those ideas with a decidedly twenty-first century viewpoint.
by Cait
Aw, that sucks to read a book you didn’t like. I always feel dissatisfied at the end of a 1-star book because I feel like I’ve wasted so many hours! But still, you never can tell if they’ll get better before the end right?
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
It drives me nuts sometimes. For this book, I kept hoping for a decent ending. I was hoping for something redeeming. I got nothing. What can you do? At least I was able to finish it, although I should have DNF’d it.