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Blue Apron Subscription: Seared Sirloin Steak with Roasted Potatoes and “Creamed” Kale


Hi, Everyone!

Melissa’s posts had me wondering, so I decided to give Blue Apron a try as well. I opted for the two family meals that serve four each.

Tonight: Seared Sirloin Steak with Roasted Potatoes and “Creamed” Kale


Blue Apron (3)
The ingredients! They include everything you need except oil, salt, pepper, and water. It’s pretty awesome!
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The recipe pages are easy to follow and include great pictures!
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Prepped and ready to cook!
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Here are the seared steaks. They were very tasty!
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The finished product.


The recipe was easy to follow, and the meal was very good.


If I make it again: I will definitely make more kale. It was really tasty, but considering kale cooks down so much, there wasn’t enough for a full veggie serving for just my husband and me. But I will save this recipe and make it again! It was delicious!!!

Did my kids eat it: They ate the steak but not the potatoes or kale. They don’t know what’s good.




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