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Melissa’s Review: The Lemorian Crest by Hannah L. Clark
- The Lemorian Crest (Cobbogoth #2)
written by Hannah L. Clark
published by KinStone Publishing, LLC, 2015
find it here: (affiliate links) Amazon, Book Depository, Goodreads
Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Did I enjoy this book: Absolutely.
I’ve got the same issues I had with the first book (you can read my review of Uncovering Cobbogoth HERE), but I’m pleasantly surprised at the twists and turns Clark’s added to this installment. Lemorian leans a bit heavily on the world-building side of things, so get ready for more than a few history lessons, but it’s worth it. Noria meets a new round of friends, finds a few old ones again, and, SPOILER ALERT: turns into a wicked cool mermaid. Awesome.
Oh, and guess what! All those cool rocks that do cool things? They do fashion, too.
Would I recommend it: Yes. Keep reading this series!
About the book – from Goodreads: After being raised from infancy in Boston, Mass., Noria (a.k.a Norah Lukens) has no idea what to expect upon entering New Cobbogoth, where she never would have guessed that paths of light can make you vanish; doors can lead to realms both near and far; myths and legends are actual history; a mere kiss can seal two souls as one; and, of course, a stone is never “just a stone.” Her Uncle Jack’s stories never could have prepared her for the magical and dangerous place her native realm is turning out to be.
When the Gihara’s promises begin to crumble, her best friend and soul-mate Jamus (a.k.a. James Riley) is in more danger than ever. Then when his father Lylend abandons her to search for an ancient relic called The Lemorian Crest and she is taken captive by the very people she’s risked everything to save, Noria begins to lose faith in the Cobbogothian gods and the mission they sent her home to accomplish.
Only when a series of new friendships and loyalties are forged in the most peculiar of places, does Noria dare hope again. Hope for Jamus’ safety, for their future together, and for the survival of the entire Cobbogothian race.
by Hannah Clark
Thanks for reading, Melissa! I’m so glad you liked it