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DNF: Seducing Excel by Sofia Santiago
Seducing Excel
written by Sofia Santiago
published by Createspace, 2014
find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Book Depository
Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Where I stopped reading: I only made it through the first several pages.
Why I stopped reading: I’m clearly not the target audience for this book; not only do I not have enough working knowledge of Excel to make sense of Santiago’s tips, but I was also horrified at the blatant sexism she uses to explain things. I was expecting an “Excel for dummies with a feminine twist” sort of thing, and instead I had to keep reminding myself I’m allowed to vote. Disappointing.
What others have rated this book: There was one 3-star review on Amazon. Just because I didn’t finish this book doesn’t mean you won’t.
About the book – from Book Depository: Are you a Microsoft Excel 2010 user who would rather spend time with Excel(r) than with your spouse? Do you have a love-hate relationship with your spreadsheets? Here’s why: Excel(r) is FEMALE. And she’s better than any other woman you’ve ever met. Learn why… And get her to do anything you want! This book is a compilation of the best tricks and time-saving techniques that will impress even the most advanced users. Take your game to the next level by reading it cover to cover, or use it as a reference. The author’s 20+ years experience delivering advanced Excel training, reflected in this fully illustrated step-by-step book, make it an easy and fun read. Who said learning Excel has to be boring? Learn by example. This book will teach you: ** Some of the sexiest features Excel(r) 2010 has that men wish women had too ** How to make Excel speak… Most importantly, how to have her shut up when you want her to! ** How to navigate the sheets like a top banana ** How to invite Word(r) for a menage-a-trois ** The secrets of Control Mustache ** Unusual hot spots you’ll enjoy double-clicking ** The WOW things you can do with “The Thingy” ** Excel’s multiple OMGs (yes, multiple, you read it right!) ** How to create spin buttons, form controls, and drop-down lists ** Where to find the Control G Spot. Explore it and your life will never be the same ** Custom styles, date math, sparklines, charting best practices… And a lot more! Whether you’re a basic or an intermediate level Excel(r) 2010 user you’ll be less frustrated and you’ll have more spare time to do what you really want. Stop feeling like a dinosaur or a leech on your coworkers, and build the confidence you need. Oh, and don’t go to a bar and buy a drink for that girl who probably won’t go home with you; for less jack, take this book home and learn to communicate better with the hottest chick around.
1 Comment
by Heather Duff (@hross42)
I don’t blame you for DNF’ing, it sounds like a total waste of paper!