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Rumor Has It by Jill Mansell

Rumor Has It
written by Jill Mansell          
published by Sourcebooks, Incorporated

Why did I pick this book: I enjoyed the other books that I have read by this author. I thought I would read another one. Plus, the other Two books I was reading at the time I started this one were quite slow and boring…So, I picked this one for something to be entertained by.

Did I enjoy this book: I did. It was cute and, as with all chick lit, had a happy ending. That is why I love reading chick lit, I love a happy ending. Reading the news can be depressing, watching what is going on in the world can be depressing, reading a good chick lit book that makes me laugh out loud is not depressing.

There were quite a few moments in this book when I did laugh out loud. I laughed so much in a few spots that my husband was asking me what was so funny. That is a happy book to me.

There are basically four stories weaved throughout this book. All with the same message…Rumors can hurt and are not always true. In fact, most of the time, rumors are not true and the truth will come out eventually.

My favorite character was Erin, Tilly’s best friend. The way she stood up to Stella, then turned around and supported Stella in her greatest hour of need…impressive and makes me wonder if I could do such a thing . I would hope so (not that I would ever be in Erin’s position, ever. Just that I could help someone out who may not have always been so nice to me in the past.)

Jack was a great character and I figured him out rather early on in the book. It was fun to see Tilly go through the process of whether to trust Jack or the rumors she heard about him. It was a good lesson…don’t believe everything you hear.

Kaye’s story kind of creeped me out. And Lou’s story about her classmate, Eddie, had a great outcome.

Would I recommend it: If you like this author and you like chick lit, then yes I would recommend this book!

Will I read it again: I’m not sure. It wasn’t a book that I couldn’t put down (I took a few breaks here and there)…but it did make me laugh. I may revisit it in the future.

About the book – MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS: When Tilly Cole arrives home after work one day, she discovers that her live-in boyfriend moved out and left her a note on the mantel. Tilly goes to the small town of Roxborough to visit her best friend, Erin. While there and mixing with the locals, Tilly comes across a copy of the small town newspaper. In this paper is an ad for a position of a “Girl Friday.” On a whim, Tilly calls about the job and has an interview the same day. 

Tilly gets the job as “Girls Friday” for Max. Her new job is basically personal assistant, babysitter/friend for his teen daughter Lou, and assistant with his interior design company.  She moves from her flat in London to Max’s house. Tilly soon meets Jack Lucas.

Jack Lucas is one of Max’s best friends. He also has a bit of a reputation in Roxborough. Jack is known as quite the romancer with quite a few notches on his bedpost. Jack lost his fiance days before their wedding a few years ago and hasn’t found or let himself find love since that tragic day. When he meets Tilly, there is an instant connection that scares them both.

There are three other stories that are weaved throughout this story. 

Erin, Tilly’s best friend, has a successful secondhand dress shop and a new boyfriend with whom she is totally in love with. Her boyfriend, Fergus, is in love with her, too. There is only one problem…Fergus’s estranged wife from whom he is not divorced yet. Stella – the wife – is not accepting the separation from Fergus and blames Erin for it even though Erin and Fergus didn’t get together until months after the separation. However, despite Stella’s attempts to embarrass and destroy Erin’s reputation, Erin is a true friend to Stella when she needs her the most.

Kaye McKenna – Hollywood soap opera star and Lou’s mother – gets fired from her show based on some false accusations. She leaves the States and heads back to England to be with her daughter and find some peace. Someone follows her there for a blind date. Who is it? Is he be a dangerous stalker or an innocent, infatuated fan?

Lou (Louisa, Max and Kaye’s daughter from their marriage before Max outed himself) is having some boy trouble at school. Eddie is always poking at her, making comments, chasing her. Is this a school-aged crush? Or is it something different?

If you have read it, let me know what you think!!!

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