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Melissa’s Review: Guardian’s Nightmare by Darren Simon


Guardian's NightmareGuardian’s Nightmare
written by Darren Simon
published by Divertir Publishing LLC, 2014

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, AmazonBook Depository, Goodreads

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange  for an honest review.

Did I enjoy this book: 
It was cute! It’s definitely not the sort of YA book you’d confuse for an adult read (grown-ups: you won’t like it as much as you like Harry Potter), but I’m definitely a fan. I think Simon did the right thing by reworking The Last Guardian and the Reject Bike (here’s the LINK) and including a female heroine. The story has just the right level of intensity for a young audience, and let’s face it, flying bikes are cool.



Would I recommend it: It’d be a great gift for a preteen.


About the book – from Book Depository: 
Charlee Smelton is an average thirteen-year-old girl struggling to adapt after her family moves to San Francisco. She thinks her biggest obstacle is facing the bullies who brand her a nerd and a dweeb. She’s wrong. Her life is about to change-for the worse. First, she receives a gift of the ugliest, most old fashioned bike she has ever seen. Try as she might to ditch it in the city, she just can’t seem to escape that very mysterious two-wheeler. Then come the visions of a world across a dimensional divide, a princess in fear for her life and a dark knight pursuing her. Are they just dreams or something more? For Charlee, everything she ever thought she knew about herself soon crumbles as she starts down a path to discover her true self, and she will need that hunk-of-junk bike more than she could ever imagine. Without it, she might not be able to find the hero in herself-the hero she must become to save her friends, family, her city-the world-from an evil only she can defeat. An evil she allows into this world.



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1 Comment

  • by lissiet
    Posted September 8, 2015 8:17 pm 0Likes

    This sounds interesting, it is one of those that would never come up on my radar
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

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