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Story Time with Sara: Wherever You Are My Love Will Find You by Nancy Tillman
Wherever You Are My Love Will Find You
written by Nancy Tillman
published by Feiwel & Friends, 2010
find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Book Depository, Goodreads
Did I enjoy this book: I adore this book. It was a baby gift for our first child from some dear friends, so we cherished it from the first read. I have to admit I feel like this book was written for the moms and not for children. In fact, I wonder if Nancy Tillman was in the throes of postpartum hormones (you know . . . the ones that cause you to burst into tears at the sight of breakfast cereal commercials . . .) when she wrote this, because dear lord did it just YANK my heart strings as a new mom. For the first six months of my baby’s life I could not read this sweet little book without tearing up. It was like every single stanza was speaking the truth out of my heart about how much I love my little guys and how my love will always be with them “Wherever They Are.” (Alright, even I just threw up in my mouth a little after writing that. Sorry, guys.)
The illustrations are beautiful and magical and fit perfectly with the image of a young mother dreaming about the games her sleeping infant will play when he grows up. They are not, however, very stimulating for small children. Nor are the words. In fact, once my child got old enough to care what I was reading to him this book quickly fell to the bottom his “to read” pile. I don’t care though; I still love it. Re-reading it now, I am reminded of snuggling a soft (not so) little baby in the dimly lit nursery reading bedtime stories and kissing his sweet little head, and that is what this book is for me. So I suppose that is what I love the most about it.
GOLDEN LINE“If you are still my small babe or you’re all the way grown, my promise to you is you’re never alone.”
Would I recommend it: I sure would, and I would recommend this as the board book (like we have) rather than the hardback version that I’ve seen (mostly because the hardback version is large and unwieldy while the board book is compact and perfectly sized for reading with a small child snuggled into your lap in a rocking chair). I think this book would make a GREAT gift either for a baby shower or new baby gift. It would also be a good gift for an adult child who is moving away or moving on to a new phase of life. Sometimes just being reminded of how much you are loved and that distance is no challenge for it can really make all the difference in the world! Now, please excuse me while I go spy on my peaceful, quiet sleeping children and kiss their little heads because, dear god, they grow up so fast . . . sniff . . .
About the book – from Goodreads:
. . . I wanted you more than you’ll ever know,
so I sent love to follow wherever you go. . . .
Love is the greatest gift we have to give our children. It’s the one thing they can carry with them each and every day.
If love could take shape it might look something like these heartfelt words and images from the inimitable Nancy Tillman. Here is a book to share with your loved ones, no matter how near or far, young or old, they are.