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DNF: Wolf Slayer by Patricia La Barbera
Wolf Slayer: The Tala Chronicles #3
written by Patricia La Barbera
published by World Castle Publishing
find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Book Depository, Goodreads
Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Where I stopped reading: location 133 of 2448 on my Kindle app
Why I stopped reading: Maybe things would have gone better if I’d have read the first two books in the series. I typically binge-read series books so I get annoyed at the little “here’s what you may have forgotten” stuff in the beginning, but I wish La Barbera had included more of it. Add to that a lot of choppy writing and light-on-grammar sentences like this, and I called it quits:
“Tala found one she liked decorated with a raven and flowers and bought the rug.”
What others have rated this book: According to Goodreads, this book has 2 4-star ratings. There was one 4-star review on Amazon. There were no reviews listed at Barnes & Noble. Just because I didn’t finish this book doesn’t mean you won’t.
About the book – from Goodreads: Matt’s life depends on Tala’s decision. Should she stay with Jeremiah and his pack or go with Michael, the Wolf Slayer? Jeremiah claims his access to other werewolves will give her a better chance of finding a way to break Matt’s curse. But Michael says werewolves are banned from the places she’s most likely to find a cure. He tries to convince her to become a Slayer so she can travel with him. Will she remain under the protection of Jeremiah’s pack, or will she conquer her fear of the unknown and set out with Michael?