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Belinda’s Review: Worst of All Evils by Janet McClintock
Worst of All Evils
written by Janet McClintock
published by Black Opal Books
find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Smashwords, Book Depository, Goodreads
Did I enjoy this book: I picked this book because Janet is a local (Pittsburgh, PA) author, and I’d heard a lot of good things about her. When I saw she’d published a novel, I couldn’t wait to buy it.
I loved it. I couldn’t put it down.
Janet develops her characters flawlessly. You will find yourself cheering for the main character, Joan, in battle, cringing when she’s threatened, and feeling pain when she’s tortured. Your second favorite character will be Duncan. He’s every girl’s fantasy (sigh).
The plot will appeal to readers across all ages and both genders. You’ll discover a new, thrilling conflict with each turn of the page. Then McClintock wraps up the story with an ending that you’ll never see coming.
The originality, fast-paced action, and emotionally charged content will keep you glued to this book from start to finish. I loved it.
That half star less than perfect mark? Don’t blame the author. Blame the editor. There are a few misspelled words and missing words that interrupt the flow of the story. Unfortunately, they occur mostly toward the beginning of the novel. Some readers may be tempted to stop reading. Don’t do it. Stick it out. You’ll be glad you did.

Would I recommend it: Oh yeah!
About the book – from Goodreads: Following a worldwide economic collapse, a tyrannical administration has taken control of the United States government and nullified the Constitution. Joan Bowman, a highly skilled veteran and patriot, joins an underground resistance group to restore America’s beloved freedoms. Too late, she realizes that the group she so idealistically joined is just as corrupt as the administration in Washington. However, since she knows too much to ever leave the group alive, she turns State’s evidence. But when the task force demands she go back to the group to obtain one last piece of crucial information, Joan knows she faces certain death. Dispirited, exhausted, and paranoid, she’s hardly on top of her game—and she needs to be or, this time, she’ll pay with her life.