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Blog Tour: Lichgates by S.M. Boyce (Melissa’s review, giveaway)

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Lichgates: Book One of the Grimoire Saga
written by S.M. Boyce
published by S.M. Boyce

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Smashwords, Book Depository, Goodreads

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange  for an honest review.

Did I enjoy this book: 
You know what? I did. I was hungry for some yummy fantasy goodness, and Lichgates hit the spot. Boyce might not win any awards for her writing, but she sure tells a great story. I’m most enamored with her characters’ flaws: it’s refreshing to read about people who don’t always make the right choices, and it adds a necessary drop of realism to an otherwise fantastic tale. I’m excited to read more about Kara and Braeden (especially if there’s going to be more kissing)!


Would I recommend it: Yep. It’s a quick, easily digestible read. Go for it.

About the book – from Goodreads: 
The final page will leave you breathless.

When Kara Magari uncovers a secret door in the middle of the forest, she discovers (and trips through) a portal to a hidden world full of terrifying things: Ourea. She just wants to go home, but the natives have other plans for her. She clashes with immortal shapeshifters, is carried off by a dragon, nearly dies on several occasions, and somehow becomes the master of an ancient book of magic called the Grimoire. Every time she thinks she’s safe, her new “friends” show their true colors.

Kara needs an ally, or she might not survive Ourea’s monsters. She drops her guard when Braeden, a native soldier with a dark secret, vows to keep her safe. And though she doesn’t know it, her growing attraction to him may just be her undoing.

For twelve years, Braeden Drakonin has lived a lie. The Grimoire is his one chance at redemption, and it lands in his lap when Kara Magari comes into his life. Though he begins to care for this stranded girl, there’s something he wants more. He wants the Grimoire.

Welcome to Ourea, where only the cunning survive.



SM Boyce Author PhotoAbout the author: When I graduated with a degree in creative writing, I realized that made me well qualified for serving French fries. It would take years of writing hundreds of thousands of words of all kinds before I became the action and adventure bestselling author that I am today.

I specialize in action-packed stories that weave in fantasy, mystery, and heroines with a knack for mischief. All romantic leads are based loosely on my husband, who proved that soul mates are real. I have a deep love for ghosts, magic, and spooky things. If you’ve already finished my books, check out my blog or twitter feed for a dash of adventure.

Find Ms. Boyce here: web, blog, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, YouTube, Pinterest, Google+





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  • by sonja1971
    Posted December 9, 2014 10:31 am 0Likes

    Sounds exciting! Gotta read this!

  • by bonnymcdevitt
    Posted December 9, 2014 11:23 am 0Likes

    Amazing I must read!

  • by candacemom2two
    Posted December 9, 2014 1:12 pm 0Likes

    Thank you for hosting a tour stop!

  • by Maureen's Books
    Posted December 11, 2014 2:45 pm 0Likes

    I loved this book! I was completely hooked! 😀

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