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Blog Tour: Faery Marked by Mary Waibel (Melissa’s review, guest post, interview)

Faery Marked (The Faery Series Book One)

Faery Marked (The Faery Series Book One)
written by Mary Waibel
published by Bookfish Books LLC

find it here: (affiliate links) Amazon, Goodreads

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange  for an honest review.

Did I enjoy this book: 
I loved it. I spent an entire Saturday morning (and a bit of the afternoon) neglecting my family for this book. I didn’t make breakfast (I assume my son helped himself to a block of cheese or a half dozen dinner rolls or something). I didn’t make anyone (including myself) get dressed, and I didn’t even do last night’s dinner dishes. (Um, no. I didn’t do them last night either. Don’t judge.)

Mary Waibel’s written a winner. Her characters are fun, her writing is compelling, and her creativity will keep you from putting this book down once you’ve started it.  I can’t wait to see what happens next!


“Ryan, what have you done?


Would I recommend it: Absolutely.

About the book – from Goodreads: 
When Callie Rycroft wakes to find purple flames flickering on the ceiling, she believes she’s still dreaming. But soon she’s forced to accept that she has magic―a special magic that grants her entrance into the Faery Realm.

For centuries humans have been banned from Faery, but dangerous times call for dangerous measures. Declared Champion by the Faery Queen, Callie is assigned a Guardian, and tasked with finding the Cordial―a magical elixir needed to keep the portal to the Faery realm a secret from humans.

The upside? Reece Michaels, the boy she’s been crushing on for years, is her Guardian. Callie hopes that, by spending time with Reece, he’ll start to see her as more than just his best friend’s sister.

The downside? She’s in a race not only against time, but against another Champion, and a rogue Guardian―a Guardian who stands to threaten her developing relationship with Reece.

Magic, mistaken identities, and hidden agendas are the least of Callie’s worries when she learns that the Cordial requires a sacrifice. Will Callie be willing to risk everything―even Reece―to complete her task as Champion? Or will she let the portal open, and doom both realms?


Being Authentic

by Mary Waibel

Thank you Chrissy and Melissa for allowing me to stop by here on my Faery Marked blog tour.

While I was trying to figure out what I wanted to blog about for this post, I took a look through some of of the previous guest posts, and suddenly the answer just popped right into my head. How did I come up with my curse words for Callie?

I’m not a ‘never use swearing in your stories’ type. Just like with all words, if it fits, then it should be used. Still, I wanted to avoid cursing as much as possible, so, I invented some curses to use. Like ‘frick-a-frack-frell’. Yeah, not really teenager-ish, is it? While it would work in my other series, it just wasn’t going to cut it in this one. And you guessed it, my editor called me on it. She wanted me to make it authentic.

So, I went right to the source, my 13 year old son. Can’t get more authentic than that, right? I knew he’d have phrases for me, and he delivered a new favorite of mine. So, in addition to the ‘PITA’ (pain in the… for those unfamiliar with the term) and the ‘craptastic’ I had penned, he gave me the phrase: ‘pansy assed’. I loved it. And so did my editor.


Please tell us in one sentence only, why we should read your book. Because it has a sexy Guardian, a smart Champion, faeries and other mythic creatures, and a love story mixed in with a mystical quest. Whew. That was a lot to pack into a sentence!

Why did you did you decide to write Faery Marked? I love reading Jennifer Armentrout’s books, and wanted to give first person POV writing a try after reading her. I’d been playing around with a ‘coming into her powers’ sorceress idea, and somehow that morphed into into Faery Marked.

You said that Faery Marked is very different from your previous books, how so? My Princess of Valendria series is written in 3rd person point of view (POV), alternating between two main characters, and the stories are twists on fairy tales (or other stories).  Faery Marked is in first person POV from one character.

What made you decide to go in this different direction? Telling the story in 1st person just seemed to fit better than 3rd. And I had a lot of fun working in this new-to-me POV.

Any other books in the works? Goals for future projects? Yes. So, I have two more books planned for the Faery series and at least one more for the Princess of Valendria series. I also have a romantic comedy I am playing with, and an idea for something a little more spooky.

What is your favorite genre to read? I will read just about anything, but I always like to have at least a little romance in what I’m reading. I’m a sucker for a HEA (happy-ever-after).

Who is your favorite author? Oh, this is tough. I’ll pick a couple (in different genres). Nora Roberts. I love her characters and how I always feel like I could meet them in real life. Jennifer Armentrout. She is so good with the feels. I always feel like I’m right there with the character, living the story with them.

In your opinion, what is one book that everyone should read? Mine. Just kidding. Well, okay, maybe not totally kidding. Gosh, this is a tough one. There are so many great books out there to choose from.

What did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a nurse, but when it came time for college, I decided I would be better in the teaching field. So, I got a degree in Elementary Ed, and used it for 5 years before changing course once again.

Tell us three things about yourself that cannot be found on the internet . . . at least not found easily.

Hmmm. I’m not really sure. I actually had to search myself to see just what is out there. So, having done that, I’m going to say:

  • My eye color. Okay, you could probably figure it out from pictures, but that would take some effort.
  • My real hair color. If you find it, let me know, because even I don’t know this anymore 🙂
  • The amount of books on mt y TBR pile. I just looked. If they were physical books, and not ebooks, I’d be buried by now.


mary waibelAbout the author: YA author Mary Waibel’s love for fairytales and happy-ever fill the pages of her works. Whether penning stories in a medieval setting or a modern day school, magic and romance weave their way inside every tale. Strong female characters use both brain and brawn to save the day and win the heart of their men. Mary enjoys connecting with her readers through her website:

Find Ms. Waibel here: web, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads



Win a signed copy of Faery Marked and other swag. Details HERE. Don’t miss out on this LIMITED TIME OFFER!!!


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  • by Mary Waibel
    Posted December 10, 2014 8:21 am 0Likes

    Thanks so much for hosting me, ladies! So glad to hear you enjoyed it, Melissa. Hope your family wasn’t too upset for you neglecting them over reading 🙂

  • by Author H K Carlton (@AuthorHKCarlton)
    Posted December 10, 2014 8:22 am 0Likes

    Great interview, excellent review and awesome book!
    I can’t wait to find out what happens next!

    • by Mary Waibel
      Posted December 18, 2014 8:14 am 0Likes

      Thanks, HK. I can’t wait to find out either. 🙂

  • by J.Q. Rose
    Posted December 10, 2014 9:43 am 0Likes

    Great interview. Swear words? tsk tsk. Best wishes on this entertaining story.

    • by Mary Waibel
      Posted December 18, 2014 8:14 am 0Likes

      Realistic ones. Not too bad, although there are times for those as well 🙂

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