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Blog Tour: Avery by Charlotte McConaghy (Melissa’s review, giveaway)


Avery_cover FINALAvery (The Chronicles of Kaya #1)
written by Charlotte McConaghy
published by Random House

find it here: (affiliate links) Amazon, Goodreads

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange  for an honest review.

Did I enjoy this book: 
I’m not gonna lie, I was a little concerned when I discovered this was a Random Romance book.  I was slightly more concerned when I realized we’d be rehashing the old “hot chick dresses up as a boy to fool her enemies” ploy.  I should, as it turns out, have been more concerned with the Bob the Builder video that inspired my son to turn his dresser into a tree house (I found him dancing on top of said dresser in his underwear singing, “On site, on site, let’s go on site! LOOK, MOMMA! I’M ON SITE!”).

But I digress.

Avery exceeded my expectations.  It’s got a fistful of spectacular love stories (and not just the smoochy-smoochy kind), a cast of wonderfully developed characters, and enough unpredictability to keep a gal riveted.  I loved it.


Would I recommend it: Yes.  And don’t hide it under your bed, either.  I know it’s marketed as a Romance, but it’s a Romance you should feel proud to read in public.  =)

About the book – from Goodreads: 
The people of Kaya die in pairs. When one lover dies, the other does too. So it has been for thousands of years – until Ava.

For although her bondmate, Avery, has been murdered and Ava’s soul has been torn in two, she is the only one who has ever been strong enough to cling to life. Vowing revenge upon the barbarian queen of Pirenti, Ava’s plan is interrupted when she is instead captured by the deadly prince of her enemies.

Prince Ambrose has been brought up to kill and hate. But when he takes charge of a strangely captivating Kayan prisoner and is forced to survive with her on a dangerous island, he must reconsider all he holds true . . .

In a violent country like Pirenti, where emotion is scorned as a weakness, can he find the strength to fight for the person he loves . . . even when she’s his vengeful enemy?

Avery is a sweeping, romantic fantasy novel about loss and identity, and finding the courage to love against all odds.



Celebrity_photographers_sydney_glamour_nudes_art_photography_SeductiveAbout the author: Charlotte started writing her children’s fantasy series The Strangers of Paragor as a teenager and has since gone on to publish five novels. After a Masters degree in Screenwriting, she wrote Avery, the first in her adult fantasy series The Chronicles of Kaya, published by Random House. She now lives in Sydney, Australia, and has just released a new dystopian sci-fi novel called Fury – Book One of The Cure, published by Momentum.

Find Ms. McConaghy here: web, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads



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  • by Lee Todd
    Posted September 19, 2014 3:23 am 0Likes

    sounds intriguing

  • by Maari
    Posted September 19, 2014 10:43 am 0Likes

    Looks very good! Now on my TBR! 🙂

  • Trackback: Blog Tour Page: Avery by Charlotte McConaghy (Sept. 15-26) Adult Fantasy
  • by candacemom2two
    Posted September 19, 2014 1:22 pm 0Likes

    I agree, this is NOT the ‘typical’ romance, I was worried about that when I read it (like two years ago) but it didn’t read like romance at all. And when I was putting together the blog tour I didn’t need to really make it clear that it’s romance (like I usually do) because it reads as SO much more. Thanks so much for hosting a tour stop and sharing your thoughts!

  • by ladymagnolia99
    Posted September 19, 2014 9:39 pm 0Likes

    Really looks like an interesting read. Looks like a book I would enjoy reading.

    Judy Cox

  • by sonja1971
    Posted September 19, 2014 11:04 pm 0Likes

    This looks good. This is a new author for me so would love to read it.

  • by Laura Thomas
    Posted September 20, 2014 7:03 am 0Likes

    The cover is beautiful and the book sounds interesting!

  • by Karen Bainbridge
    Posted September 21, 2014 3:31 pm 0Likes

    This book sounds like it will be very interesting because I am sure even though it is a ‘romance’ that there will be enough intrigue and adventure to hold my attention! I look forward to reading Avery and thank you for your review Melissa! Thanks for the giveaway Every Free Chance and Charlotte McConaghy

  • by amy bowens
    Posted October 1, 2014 6:32 am 0Likes

    The book sounds like a good one can’t wait to read

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