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Review: The Guests of Honor by Cat Amesbury

guests of honorThe Guests of Honor (Tales from the Virtue Inn, Book One)
written by Cat Amesbury
published by Cat Amesbury

find it here: (affiliate links) Amazon, Goodreads

Why did I pick this book: The author asked me to review her book. (I received a copy of this book for review purposes.)

Did I enjoy this book: 
I loved it.  It’s in desperate need of at least three more rounds of editing, but that shouldn’t slow you down; Amesbury has an amazing vision, and despite some iffy grammar, she does a great job inking it out.  The Guests of Honor is full of Neil Gaiman-y style goodness: it’s a fairy tale with a gritty, believable edge.  It’s fantasy that’s not fantastic enough to alienate, but just fantastic enough to become addicting.  It’s awesome, and I can’t wait for the next installment.

But if Amesbury does some serious editing it'd be an easy 5 . . .
But if Amesbury does some serious editing it’d be an easy 5 . . .

Would I recommend it: Yes.  Absolutely.  For once, I say forget about the grammar.  Lose yourself in the Inn.

About the book – from Goodreads: 
Welcome to the Virtue Inn

Honor Desry’s only employee is a magical nudist, her guest list has an abnormal fascination with eels, and a surprising number of household objects are trying to hurt her.

When Honor’s mother mysteriously disappeared, Honor became responsible for both her younger sisters and the family inn. All Honor wants to do is run the inn, pay the bills, and not get killed by her unusually violent toaster.

Unfortunately for Honor, the Virtue Inn has more secrets than it does rooms and the Guests are restless. If Honor wants to keep her house –and her head- she’s going to have to learn how to please The Guests of Honor.



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