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Blog Tour: Rum Punch Regrets by Anne Kemp, plus a guest post from the author

Rum Punch Regrets
written by Anne Kemp          
published by Premier Digital Publishing

find it here: Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Goodreads

A portion of Anne’s proceeds are donated to Lupus LA.

Why did I pick this book: 
I participated in the blog tour for this book organized by CLP Blog Tours. (I received a copy of this book for review purposes.)

Did I enjoy this book: I did enjoy Rum Punch Regrets. I read it every free chance I had. I thought it was a good story and I loved the twists that were unexpected. 

All of the characters were well-written. Abby was a bit childish in the beginning but watching her character develop and change throughout the story was fantastic. I wanted her to take charge of herself and stop letting her sister, Leigh, boss her around. I wanted her to find happiness and find the strength within her to do what needed to be done.

I didn’t really like Leigh. I thought she was too bossy and on her high horse with her “I know what’s best for everyone” attitude. She was a great character but I didn’t like her that much. There were times when I really felt for Ben and times that I really wanted to smack him. He and Abby were great together. Their early roommate relationship really set up the rest of the story. (I would explain more but I don’t want to spoil anything!)

The secondary characters were fantastic. Maria, Ziggy, Cutty, Tracey, and Buddy were great and provided enough fun, antics, and support for Abby and Ben. They didn’t steal the show but they were necessary and great additions.

I can’t wait to find out what else lies in store for Abby George!

Would I recommend it: I would recommend this book. It is a great chick lit read and it would be a great book to read at the beach or while wishing you were at the beach.

Will I read it again: I probably will not unless there is another Abby George book that will be coming out…then I may read again to refresh the story.

About the book – from Goodreads: 
In just a few short weeks, thirty something Abby George has endured the death of her mother, was dumped by her fiancé, and got laid off from her job.

Stunned and seeking a shoulder to cry on, she turns to her perfect older sister, Leigh. But instead of comfort, Abby receives a surprise: Leigh needs her in the Caribbean to help with some mysterious personal business.

While assisting in the sale and repair of a bed-and-breakfast, Abby uncovers a few huge family secrets as she juggles an unexpected roommate, quirky locals, and nasty centipedes.

Abby’s world is further complicated when two potential suitors enter her life. Can Abby get beyond her own pyscho drama long enough to open her heart to someone new? Or will she neurotically make her romantic life worse?

Packing nothing but her suitcases and a sense of humor, Abby George travels down an unfamiliar road, but it’s all she can do to hang on for the ride…Or will she wake up with “Rum Punch Regrets?” 

And now a Guest Post by the author, Anne Kemp, for all of you to enjoy!!!

I remember a time in high school when writing my own name seemed like a chore. I wasn’t a fan of writing papers, not one bit. I always put it off until last minute, hemming and hawing and wishing someone else, like the Writing Fairy, would come along and do it for me.
Well…that never happened.
I can still remember the fear in my heart and the panic I would feel the night before a big assignment was due. I think there were usually tears and sometimes a few guttural cries for help. I’d howl questions of “why, why, why?” at my Mom or sister, expecting someone to give me the answer I needed. They would shake their heads, remind me I brought it on myself and go about their business. Eventually, things settled down and I’d work my magic.
That’s right. Magic.
I say this sarcastically because it should not have been magical. I should have been more prepared, done ahead of time. No, I would fly through the process, stay until all hours and get a paper knocked out in no time flat, under the wire. But it almost killed me each time. Thankfully at this point in my life I was learning I could not be a Pantser, even though I was getting away with it. Too stressful and I was finding I liked to sleep.
As for being a Plotter? Can’t quite do that either, which is funny as I grew up to be a somewhat Type-A gal. I like to make notes and work within a form or some type of outline, but I also like the freedom allowed when one can stray off course. Sometimes I’ll be in the middle of a column or even working on a book and I can see quite clearly how it needs to veer off its current course and be pointed in a different direction. If I was plotting, I wouldn’t feel this freedom – I’d feel stunted. Not saying this doesn’t work for everyone, it’s just my way of doing things.
I’m definitely not traditional in this manner; my writing style is a fun blend of slight organization mixed with a hint of spontaneity. It’s kind of how I like to live my life. A bit of structure and planning combined with some room for me to wiggle.
Or, as I like to say, “I’m a woman. I’m allowed to change my mind if I wanna.”

About the author: Anne Kemp is the author behind the Abby George Series, which includes her debut novella, All Fruits Ripe, and first novel, Rum Punch Regrets, which is available in print and as an eBookShe is also the columnist behind “Anne In Progress,” which appears monthly in the Frederick News-Post, a newspaper in the DC-Metro area. As a blogger, she was nominated for a 2012 Bloggers Choice Award for Best Humor Blog, and is known for penning “The Ultimate Late Bloomer.”

Find Ms. Kemp here: Web, Facebook, Twitter

Happy reading wherever you are and whenever you get a free chance!!!
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  • by Samantha
    Posted August 23, 2012 10:06 am 0Likes

    Loved this book, and can’t wait for the next one 🙂

    • by The Every Free Chance Reader
      Posted August 23, 2012 11:36 am 0Likes

      Me, too! Thanks for stopping by!

  • by Anne Kemp
    Posted August 23, 2012 11:14 am 0Likes

    Thank you Samantha! And Thank you to Every Free Chance for having me today! I love your comments 🙂

    • by The Every Free Chance Reader
      Posted August 23, 2012 11:36 am 0Likes

      You’re welcome! and thanks…i really enjoyed reading your book!

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