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Spotlight: The French for Always by Fiona Valpy

The French for AlwaysThe French for Always
written by Fiona Valpy
published by Bookouture

find it here: (affiliate links) Amazon, iBooks, Book Depository, Goodreads

About the book – from Goodreads: Five Weddings. The perfect venue. One little hitch…

Leaving the grey skies of home behind to transform a crumbling French Château into a boutique wedding venue is a huge leap of faith for Sara. She and fiancé Gavin sink their life savings into the beautiful Château Bellevue – set under blue skies and surrounded by vineyards in the heart of Bordeaux.

After months of hard work, the dream starts to become a reality – until Gavin walks out halfway through their first season. Overnight, Sara is left very much alone with the prospect of losing everything.

With her own heart breaking, Sara has five weddings before the end of the season to
turn the business around and rescue her dreams. With the help of the locals and a little courage can she save Château Bellevue before the summer is over?


Praise for The French for Love

‘Overall, this book is so much fun and will definitely leave you feeling warm and fuzzy inside. I highly recommend it.’ ~ 4.5/5

‘I thought the book was a fun, enjoyable read in a beautiful setting.’ ~

You should just take my word and dive into this book. It’s a perfect summer read that will transport you away from the doldrums commuting or the usual rat race and have you longing to move to France and find a ramshackle house of your own.’ ~ 5/5

‘I would definitely recommend this book as a summer read to anyone… A little bit of romance, a nice glass of wine and a wonderful summer setting.’ ~ Fabulous Book Fiend

fiona valpyAbout the author: Fiona Valpy lives in France, having moved there from the UK in 2007. She left behind a career in Marketing and Public Relations to explore new avenues and now teaches yoga and writes.

Having renovated an old rambling farmhouse with her husband, she has developed new-found skills in cement-mixing and interior decorating, although her preferred pastime by far is wine-tasting.

Find Ms. Valpy here: web, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads




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