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Review: The Wanderers by Paul Stutzman

The Wanderers 7The Wanderers
written by Paul Stutzman
published by Carlisle Printing

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Goodreads

Why did I pick this book: I participated in the blog tour hosted by Pump Up Your Book in December. (I received a copy of this book for review purposes.)

Did I enjoy this book:

Sorry to interrupt your normally scheduled program folks, but we’ve got some breaking news coming in from the blogosphere. Belinda is live on the scene; tell us what you’ve got, Belinda.

Thanks Chrissy, EFC has stunned the medical community with its discovery of a fail proof cure for insomnia: Read The Wanderers from Paul Stutzman.

Ok. That wasn’t nice. And I hate writing negative reviews. But I’m serious when I say I had to stand up to read this book because if I sat down, I’d nod off.

This book lacks emotion and creativity. The story is told from multiple perspectives but they all sound the same – flat. Some of the chapters are told from the perspective of talking butterflies which I didn’t quite understand. But even the butterflies are boring.

It’s not enough to simply tell your story. You have to write in a way that allows your readers to experience your story. Otherwise, it’s no more entertaining than reading a news story.

Zero Stars

A first for EFC . . .

Would I recommend it: My grocery lists are more passionate than The Wanderers. No, I don’t recommend it.

Will I read it again: No.

About the book:
An Amish Love Story About Hope and Finding Home

Everything in God’s nature, Johnny observed, did what it was created to do. Everything, that is, except the human race. Johnny was born into an Amish family, into a long line of farmers and good businessmen. He is expected to follow the traditions of family and church as he grows to adulthood. But even as a boy, he questions whether he can be satisfied with this lifestyle. He wants “more” — more education, more travel, more opportunity.

His restlessness leads him down a dangerous road where too much partying and drinking result in heartbreaking consequences. He’s adrift, and no one seems to be able to help him find his direction.

Then he meets spunky Annie, who seems pure and lovely and devoted to her God. Her past, though, holds sin and heartbreak. She was a worm, she explains, but God has transformed her into a butterfly. Johnny falls hopelessly in love; and eventually he, too, finds the power of God to transform lives.
Settling down on the family farm, he forgets about the questions and the restlessness, thinking that he is happy and at home, at last.

But in a few short hours, tragedy changes his life forever, and he is again wondering… and wandering on a very long journey.

Entwined with Johnny and Annie’s story is the allegory of two Monarch butterflies, worms who have been transformed into amazing creatures specially chosen to carry out the miracle of the fourth generation. They, too, must undertake a long journey before they finally find home.


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