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Review: Matt Archer: Bloodlines by Kendra C. Highley

Matt Archer BloodlinesMatt Archer: Bloodlines (Matt Archer #4)
written by Kendra C. Highley
published by Kendra C. Highley

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Smashwords, Goodreads

Why did I pick this book: I absolutely adore this series! There is no way I could not read this book.

See my reviews of the first books here: Matt Archer: Monster Hunter (Matt Archer #1), Matt Archer: Monster Summer (Matt Archer #1.5), Matt Archer: Blade’s Edge (Matt Archer #2)and Matt Archer: Legend (Matt Archer #3).

Did I enjoy this book: Yes. Yes. Yes.

Bloodlines had me on the edge of my seat, glued to my Nook. I couldn’t put it down. (I had to a few times . . . life obligations . . . but I didn’t want to.) This series is amazing. I love it, love it, love it.

So many things happen in this book. I will not spoil it. Read this series. (It was so good that I can’t even write in complete sentences. Those who have read, and love, this series will understand.)

Let me just say: Mamie!?!!?!?! I knew something but . . . WOW!!! And Johnson knowing/suspecting what he did!?!?! The hunts? Matt’s dad. Ann. Carrie. Wow. Loved it when Will started speaking French. Loved it when Matt had to deal with both knife spirits. All fantastic. All vital to the story. All made it jaw-dropping, exciting, stressful, amazing — you name it.

Well-played at the end. Well played. I believe the first words out of my mouth were, “Holy Crap.” Followed by a distressed sigh. Let’s just say, I cannot wait for book #5.


Would I recommend it: Absolutely!!!!

Will I read it again: Absolutely!!!! I can’t wait for Matt Archer #5. Cannot wait.


About the book – from Goodreads: 
When Matt Archer was fourteen, he was chosen—by a magic, spirit-inhabited knife—to hunt monsters with a special paranormal division of the Army. When he was fifteen, he was thrown into a global war the rest of the world didn’t know existed.

Now Matt’s sixteen and the war has cost him more than he ever thought it would. He’s also learned that the knife-spirits have an agenda he doesn’t totally agree with. The only problem? The spirits have the upper hand, and they plan to control the fight—and Matt.

Then things get worse: the next lunar eclipse cycle is starting, a prominent physicist has gone missing, and Matt’s best friend is thinking about quitting the team. If he loses Will—after everyone else he’s lost—Matt’s not sure how he’ll fight alone.

As the source of his nightmares starts to creep out of the shadows, Matt knows he’ll need all the help he can get…because being alone could prove deadly.



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