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Review: Sugar Spun Sister by Anna Garner

sugar spunSugar Spun Sister (Sweet Dreams #1)
written by Anna Garner
published by Anna Garner

find it here: (affiliate links) Amazon, Goodreads

Why did I pick this book: I was asked by the author to review this book. I said yes, of course, because Ms. Garner is a must-read author of mine. (I received a copy of this book for review purposes.)

Did I enjoy this book:
I did enjoy Sugar Spun Sister. It was a fun read that had me glued to my Nook, reading every free chance I had.

Cricket is a young woman with big dreams but not quite enough courage to take a step toward realizing those dreams. She is in a job that she knows how to do; unfortunately, her boss has no faith in her abilities whatsoever. What does Cricket dream about doing? Owning her own ice cream shop. She is rather talented when it comes to creating fabulous ice cream flavors. I enjoyed reading all of the ingredients in each flavor at the beginning of each chapter. I wish I could try that ice cream. If I knew how to make ice cream, I would definitely try some of those combinations!

Anyway . . . back to the story. Cricket has her two best friends who are always there for her whenever she needs them. They support her and have been encouraging her to open her own ice cream shop. Encouraging isn’t quite the word I’m looking for. Pressuring (but in a good way) is a better word choice. Her friends keep pushing her to take on this adventure, and they shoot down any reasons Cricket comes up with to not move forward. They soon join forces and all sorts of fun, adventure, and drama ensues.

I loved that her parents weren’t on board with Cricket’s plans. Not for reasons you would expect. That was kind of comical to me. Cricket’s brother was there to help out, which was sweet. Her hook up was on hand for most of her needs and a few embarrassing moments. One moment had me chuckling throughout the rest of the book when it was alluded to.

All-in-all, Sugar Spun Sister was another great read from Ms. Garner. I can’t wait to read the rest of the Sweet Dreams series.


Would I recommend it: I would recommend this book to any chick lit fan.

Will I read it again: I may read this again in the future.


About the book – from Goodreads:
Life isn’t exactly sweet for Cricket Whittier. Her boss hates her, her work is soul-destroying, and the sexy guy she’s hooking up with doesn’t want to date her. But this girl is far from hopeless. When Cricket’s in the kitchen with her ice cream maker and a few choice ingredients, her troubles slip away as she becomes a delectable dessert-designing powerhouse. She loves it so much, she dreams of opening her own ice cream shop one day.

As it turns out, “one day” just might be closer than she thinks. Propelled by the help and encouragement of her best friends, Lindsay and Nora, Cricket starts making plans to set up shop. Which is easier said than done what with the internal squabbling, the sky-high costs, her parents forecasting failure and her increasingly complicated love life. Despite all these hurdles, will Cricket be able to make her sweet dreams come true?



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  • by Cait
    Posted December 20, 2013 3:20 am 0Likes

    A book about icecream? Yes pleeeease! (Although, I think it’d be kind of torture to read about ice cream flavours…YUM.) This book looks really fun and sweet. 🙂

    • by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
      Posted December 20, 2013 12:38 pm 0Likes

      It was torture!!! The flavors all sounded so delicious!!!! Like I said in my review, I wish I knew how to make ice cream because I would so try to make those recipes! 🙂

  • Trackback: Chrissy’s Review: Sundaes with Nora by Anna Garner

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