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Book Blitz: Counting Shadows by Olivia Rivers (spotlight, interview, giveaway)
Counting Shadows (Duplicity #1)
written by Olivia Rivers
published by Olivia Rivers
find it here: (affiliate links) Amazon, Smashwords, Goodreads
About the book:
Two hearts, one kiss…
…Nothing left.
Faye’s soul-mate is everything she should hate—an Angel, an outcast, an enemy. Ashe is just one more imperfection in her life that somehow makes everything… perfect.
Until he’s murdered.
With the only person she loves ripped away, Faye sets out to avenge Ashe’s death. The task seems impossible, until she finds Lor—an Angel who looks nearly identical to Ashe’s killer. Arrogant and hot-headed, Lor is everything Ashe wasn’t. But Lor is connected to her soul-mate’s past, and Faye needs him to find the killer—even if Lor is potentially deadly.
But when Faye discovers that Ashe’s past isn’t as black and white as she thought, she faces an impossible choice: Give up the hunt, and risk the lives of others. Or continue pursuing Ashe’s murderer, and forfeit the lives of everyone in her family—including herself.
Q: What inspired you to write Counting Shadows?
A: I’ve always loved Epic Fantasy, whether I’m reading it or writing it. One day, about a year ago, I had this random thought of, “What if I took a bunch of Urban Fantasy creatures, and transferred them into an Epic Fantasy world?” And voila! Counting Shadows was born.
Q: Is there ever going to be a romance between Lor and Faye?
A: Perhaps. Faye will definitely end up in a serious relationship, as will Lor. But whether or not they’ll end up together is a question only answered in the next book in the series.
Q: Who is your favorite character to write in the Duplicity series?
A: Cyrus, most definitely. Readers see very little of him in Counting Shadows, but he plays a major role in the rest of the series. He’s a Dragon/Fairy hybrid, who is slowly going insane, like all hybrids eventually do. He also happens to have a major crush on Lor. His insanity makes him a difficult character to write, but also an extremely fun one. Also, his history with Lor is so heartbreaking that it makes me wish Cyrus was a real person, just so I could give him a hug.
Q: You’re currently a high school student. How does your young age influence your writing?
A: It really doesn’t influence my writing very much. I go through the exact same process as any other author: drafting, rewrites, alpha readers, beta readers, line edits, ect. I try not to let my age get in the way of creating a good book, and I never use it as an excuse for my mistakes.
Q: Who did the cover for Counting Shadows?
A: I do all my own covers. It’s a time-consuming process, but I adore digital art, and I just love having control over this aspect of publishing.
Q: What’s the hardest part about being an author?
A: For me, it’s the first draft. I despise first drafts with a passion. They’re so messy and bad and icky. I always celebrate when I finish a first draft, because I know the worst part is over, and I can have fun rewriting and editing.
Q: What’s your favorite part about being an author?
A: My readers are by far my favorite part. It’s the absolute best feeling in the world to have people contact me about my books. I’ve had people from practically every continent email me about my novels, and it’s a wonderful feeling to know that my writing gives some people joy.
Q: When will the next book in the Duplicity series be coming out?
A: Eluding Light, the second book of the Duplicity series, will be out March 2014.
About the author: Olivia Rivers is the author of five novels, ranging in genres from Epic Fantasy to Contemporary Romance. Along with being a writer, she’s a freelance digital artist, a literary agent assistant, and a high school student. She’s a nerd at heart, and is a hopeless fan-girl for Doctor Who and Pokémon. Olivia lives in California with a dog who thinks he’s a cat, a cat who thinks he’s a dog, and a kitten who is just generally confused.
by Rae Ryans
Bravo and I loved the interview. The cover is amazing and I’m finding it hard to believe that such talent (and bravery!) came out of such a young author. I blinked a few times when I read Olivia is a high school student.
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
I was impressed by the fact that she is in high school as well.