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DNF: Scion of the Sun by Nicola Marsh


Scion final coverScion of the Sun (The Solar Snatchers #1)
written by Nicola Marsh
published by Month9Books, LLC

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Goodreads

Why did I pick this book: I participated in the blog tour in November hosted by Chapter By Chapter. (I received a copy of this book for review purposes.)

Where I stopped reading: At 20% on my Kindle. 

Why I stopped reading: I just could not get into this book. The premise is something I would normally get in to, but it just didn’t grab me. I can’t even pinpoint one thing that turned me off. I just didn’t get that “read me now” vibe.


What others have rated this book: According to Goodreads, the average rating for Scion of the Sun is 3.86. It looks like a majority of readers gave this book 4 stars. There were 3 4-star reviews on Amazon. At Barnes & Noble, the majority of the reviews were 4 stars. Just because I didn’t finish this book doesn’t mean you may not.

About the book: When she least expects it, sixteen-year old Holly Burton’s unremarkable life is shaken to the core. A vision of the mother Holly never knew leaves her questioning everything she believes.

Eager for answers, Holly enrolls at a boarding school for highly gifted students in Wolfebane, New Hampshire. But things will get worse before they get better, as Holly accidentally transports to a parallel existence where she’s confronted by a dark and ancient evil.

With the help of Joss, a sexy alpha warrior sworn to protect her, and her new BFF, the equally swoon-worthy Quinn, Holly faces her fears and an unlikely adversary in a showdown that is worse than anything she could’ve possibly imagined …



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