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DNF: Wednesdaymeter


written by Dean Carnby
published by Smashwords

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Smashwords, Goodreads

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange  for an honest review.

Where I stopped reading: The 2.7% mark on my Moon+ Reader.

Why I stopped reading: You know when you’re swimming in a river and you open your eyes underwater to see where you are, but instead of a clear image you just see a brown, murky sort of cloud? Yeah. This book was like that, only with words — muddy and muddled. It wasn’t just that, though — there was also some severe thesaurus abuse.

You know that cooler of Jell-O shots you tie to the side of your raft at the beginning of your lazy river adventure? It’s a great idea, right? But . . . just because you CAN drink all that alcohol doesn’t mean you SHOULD. Now, let’s pretend that cooler is a thesaurus and each shot is a really cool word. See where I’m going here?  Yeah. Please enjoy your thesaurus responsibly.

What others have rated this book: According to Goodreads, the average rating for Wednesdaymeter is 3.64. It looks like a majority of readers gave this book 4 stars. There were 3 five-star reviews on Amazon. There were no reviews listed at Barnes & Noble. Just because I didn’t finish this book doesn’t mean you won’t.

About the book – from Goodreads: An eggplant wails, a ladder breaks, and the guise of civility shatters.

A professor of festival studies, a potato hunter, a deadly career counselor, and a part-time terrorist are struggling to retain their sanity in a magically mundane city. Their carefully laid plans fall apart when they meet Mr. Pearson, an everyman who suspects a conspiracy of evil polygons behind his company’s absurd practices.

Theirs is a world in which people use raw produce and wasted time to alter reality. If it were not for the stringent safety standards on fruits and vegetables, the citizens would live in misery. Most live a life of willful ignorance instead, desperate to avoid facing the threats surrounding them. Festival season is about to begin, but the colorful banners cannot hide the tragic past any longer.




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