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Book Blitz: Finn Finnegan by Darby Karchut (spotlight, guest post, giveaway)
Finn Finnegan (The Adventures of Finn MacCullen #1)
written by Darby Karchut
published by Spencer Hill Press
find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Book Depository, Goodreads
About the book: Finnegan MacCullen: a thirteen-year-old apprentice with the famous Irish temperament.
Gideon Lir: a legendary Celtic warrior with a bit of a temper of his own.
Secretly, these blue-collar warriors battle the hobgoblins infesting their suburban neighborhood…when they are not battling each other.
Finn (not bleedin’ Finnegan) MacCullen is eager to begin his apprenticeship. He soon discovers the ups and downs of hunting monsters in a suburban neighborhood under the demanding tutelage of the Knight, Gideon Lir. Both master and apprentice are descendents of the Tuatha De Danaan, a magical race of warriors from Ireland. Scattered long ago to the four corners of the world, the De Danaan wage a two thousand year old clandestine battle with their ancient enemy, the Amandán, a breed of goblin-like creatures.
Now with the beasts concentrating their attacks on Finn, he and his master must race to locate the lost Spear of the Tuatha De Danaan, the only weapon that can destroy the Amandán, all the while hiding his true identity from his new friends, Rafe and Savannah, twins whose South African roots may hold a key to Finn’s survival.
Armed with a bronze dagger, some ancient Celtic magic, and a hair-trigger temper, Finn is about to show his enemies the true meaning of “fighting Irish.”
The inspiration behind Finn Finnegan
I am often asked: why Celtic mythology? Well, my undergraduate degree is in anthropology, so my fascination with world cultures and myths goes way back. But it was a chance comment from my sister (who travels to Africa every year) about so-called “fairy rings” found in the African bush. The local people said they were created by magical beings. I started researching fairy rings, which led me first to Ireland, then the Tuatha De Danaan, and finally to the legend of Fionn mac Cumhail. And thus, The Adventures of Finn MacCullen were born. Plus, I come from Irish stock; hence my first name, which is an old family name on my father’s side.
But my real inspiration comes from my students. I have always written for older elementary and middle school boys. Since I teach 7th grade (social studies), I am constantly surrounded by this age. I wanted to give my boys a hero their own age they can measure themselves against as well as an adult male hero they can emulate.
I am such a fortunate author, for there is not a day goes by that I don’t see a copy of my book in the hands of one of my students. What a gift.
What a treat to visit with everyone today. Please don’t hesitate to ask me questions or make a comment. I’ll be stopping by throughout the day.
About the author: All her life, the archetypal hero and his journey have enthralled Darby Karchut. A native of New Mexico, Darby grew up in a family that venerated books and she spent her childhood devouring one fantasy novel after another. Fascinated by mythologies from around the world, she attended the University of New Mexico, graduating with a degree in anthropology. After moving to Colorado, she then earned a Master’s in education and became a social studies teacher.
Drawing from her extensive knowledge of world cultures, she blends ancient myths with modern urban life to write stories that relate to young teens today.Darby is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators and the Pikes Peak Writers Guild. She lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado with her husband, where she still teaches social studies at a local junior high school. She enjoys running, biking, and skiing the Rocky Mountains in all types of weather.Her debut middle grade book, Finn Finnegan, released March 2013 (Spencer Hill Press). The next book in the series, Gideon’s Spear (Spencer Hill Press), will be released February 2014. Her YA books include Griffin Rising (2011 Sharp Writ YA Book of the Year), Griffin’s Fire, and Griffin’s Storm.Find Ms. Karchut here: web, blog, Facebook, Goodreads, YouTube
by Brooke B
I enjoyed the guest post…this book sounds fun!
by hotcha1
by Meghan Stith
Thanks for the giveaway!
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
You’re welcome! Good luck, Meghan!