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It’s Our 2nd Blogoversary!!
We can’t believe it has been 2 years since Chrissy started Every Free Chance Book Reviews. It has been an amazing 2 years and we can’t wait to see what the future holds for EFC. The blog has gone through a few changes over the last year.
First, the blog design was done by the wonderful Lori at Imagination Designs. She has done an awesome job with my design and with all of the wonderful graphics! She also assisted (did everything) for the move from Blogger to WordPress. Thank you so much, Lori!
Second, EFC Services was launched. I offer freelance proofreading, editing, and manuscript critique services. Click the button below or use the tab at the top to view my rates.

Third, EFC added a new reviewer. We welcomed Melissa back in May. Check out the mini interview here. We have also added a contributing reviewer, Belinda. Be on the lookout for more from her in the coming months. Here is a picture of Melissa and I.
I really like our avatars…
For our Blogoversary, we decided to read each other’s all-time favorite books. Melissa had Chrissy read Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson. Chrissy, on the other hand, had a hard time choosing her all-time favorite book. There were just too many to choose from. So, after deliberating long and hard between having Melissa read the entire Harry Potter series (because, really, who can pick just one as their favorite? It’s one book in many parts!) and Pride & Prejudice by the great Jane Austen, Chrissy settled on Pride & Prejudice. Be sure to check out our reviews this weekend.
We also asked you guys if you wanted to know anything about us or the blog.
We were asked by Brooke: How do you decide which books to review?
Chrissy: If an author I really like has a new book out, I will read it. If there is a book in a series I have been enjoying coming out, I will read it. If the book sounds interesting, I will read it. I post a review for just about every book I read.
Melissa: Viscerally. (Unless it’s a request from a killer publishing company. Then I always say yes).
Did you happen to notice the necklaces that Melissa and I are wearing in our picture above? Well, we are giving one of those away to one lucky US follower! Here is a closer picture for you.
This is a living locket from Origami Owl. Alyssa is the consultant that I ordered my lockets from. She can be found here and on Facebook. Check out the site. They have some really great things.
by Karen H in NC
Happy 2nd Blogoversary! Isn’t it strange the words that are made up to accommodate the techo age we live in? Wishing you many more years of successful blogging!
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Thank you, Karen! And it is strange, but sometimes you have to come up with something that works. =) I’m hoping for many more years. I hope to “see” you here often.
by Maria Malaveci
Happy 2nd Blogoversary! Keep doing what you guys are doing. You are doing great. Love all the reviews, and giveaways too! Have a great day and good luck everyone!
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Awwww…thank you, Maria! That’s so sweet. I’m glad you love what we are doing here. Have a wonderful day and good luck to you!
by michele
Happy 2nd Blogoversay! I love reading about books.
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Thanks, Michele!
by Melissa Leilani Ruiz
Happy Blogoversary to us! Woo hoo! =)
I’m going to celebrate by cracking open a new book Right. Now.
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Woo hoo!!!! I want to celebrate the same way!
by Amy
Happy Blogoversary! I’m digging on the reviews and the book-loves. It’s nice to know there are still literature lovers in the world!
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Thanks, Amy! I’m glad you are enjoying the blog. Good luck in the giveaway!
by Jennifer M
Happy Blogoversary!!
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Thanks, Jennifer!! =)
by Sarah Miles
Happy blogoversary! Hope the upcoming year is full of good things for you guys
More followers, and more wonderful things to review 
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Thanks, Sarah! I hope so, too! Good luck and thanks for visiting!
by Jessica @ ReviewsAbound
Happy 2nd Blogoversary!!! Here’s to many more!
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
by Satarupa Biswas
Hope you guys succeed and reach greater heights in future and congratulations for you blogoversary. The best thing about your blog is the girl power it shows and I love the design and avatar of the blog and of you guys.
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Thank you!
by Mary Preston
Happy Blogoversary!!!
Came for the books & stayed for the party.
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Sweet! Glad you stayed!
by lab1990
Happy Blogoversary!! How exciting that you’ve been around for two years. I have a question- what is your all-time favorite genre? If you have one that is…
As for me, it would probably be contemporary.
Lauren from http://www.shootingstarsmag.blogspot.com
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Thanks, Lauren! My all-time favorite genre would probably be chick lit because I like light reads that make me happy. However, my all-time favorite series is Harry Potter which isn’t chick lit. I enjoy contemporary as well.
by Brooke
Happy happy happy blogoversary!! Congratulations.
I love reading your posts and reviews. Your blog design is fabulous!!!
Do you prefer ebooks or paperback/hardcover books?
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Thank you!! I’m so glad that you like the reviews and the blog design. I love it!
That’s a tough question, Brooke… I like them both. I like e-books because I can read those while doing other household stuff. Physical books are great but difficult to read while snuggling the children.
by bn100
Happy blogoversary! Like that your blog’s easy to use
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Thanks! Good luck and I hope you visit again soon!
by Cali W.
Happy Blogoversary and thanks for the giveaways! I love to read your reviews. <3
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Thank you, Cali!
by hotcha1
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Time sure does fly! Thanks and good luck!
by cassie polla
This sight is amazing! Happy blogoversary! Keep the good stuff coming and thanks for all the great giveaways!
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Thank you so much, Cassie! Good luck in the giveaway!
by Jennifer Finnigan
Love the design x
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Thanks, Jennifer!
by Sarah Kalaitzidistzidis
I just love everything about this blog from the giveaways to the reviews!!
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Thank you, Sarah!!! That means a lot to me! =)