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Please welcome, Melissa!!! (interview, giveaway)
Hello Everyone!
You may have noticed a new reviewer appearing here and there over the last few months. Well, I would like to formally introduce you to my new associate reviewer – and sister-in-law – Melissa!!! You can check out her official bio here.
Tell our lovely readers and followers a bit about yourself.
Before my son was born I worked as a behavior analyst – I created and implemented curriculums for special needs students (mostly kiddos on the autism spectrum). I still do research and coursework to keep up with my BCaBA certification, but since I became a Mom I’ve been spending the bulk of my days (and nights) raising my wonderfully rambunctious little boy.
I love shiraz and paneer, but not necessarily together, and I drink my coffee black. I recently became a vegetarian, I’m addicted to my Fitbit, and I absolutely adore watching my husband play with our son. I hate shoes. I have two cats. Umm… wow, this is harder than I thought! I have four tattoos and plans for at least two more. I live on the tenth floor and use one of those old lady shopping cart thingies to get my groceries upstairs. I’m especially sexy looking when I push the cart while wearing the baby in his sling. I can’t believe no one stops me on the street to tell me how beautiful I am with my granny cart pushing baby wearing self. Seriously. It’s breathtaking.
What genres do you enjoy reading the most?
My two favorite genres are memoirs and sci-fi/fantasy, but I’ll give any book a hundred pages to convince me to keep reading.
What is your favorite book, if you have one?
My favorite book is Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Patterson. I have my mother’s copy of the book – she read it in college – and I try to read it once a year. I still cry every time.
What would you like our readers and authors to know about your review style?
I spent a few years teaching engineering students how to write research papers, which essentially means I taught the art of writing at its most basic: organization, consistency, grammar. Trying to write without mastery of language is like trying to cook without pots and pans: you might end up with something edible, but everyone knows that microwaved pizza tastes like cardboard. If an author puts a book up for review, at the very least it ought to be grammatically and organizationally proficient (and if it’s not, you better believe I’m going to let you know). I think good writing shows without telling, and I think every writer should read their work aloud, a page at a time, at least a dozen times. At least.
What was your initial reaction when I first asked you to review a book for my blog?
I’d never written a book review before, and you seemed to be having so much fun with Every Free Chance that I wanted in on the action. Of course I agreed!
What was your reaction when I asked you to be a regular reviewer?
I wish I would have played hard to get — I heard you were going to woo me with a bottle of wine if I was reluctant — but I was super excited. I’m pretty sure I agreed to do it before you even finished asking (don’t tell my husband, though… I never actually said “yes” when he proposed…).
You’ve been reviewing with me for a few months now and are starting to appear regularly (It will be even more consistent in the upcoming months.) What do you think of book reviewing so far?
I like it! I have more deadlines than I did at my last job, but it’s tough to beat a job you can do in your pj’s. I worked as a writing tutor several years ago and absolutely adored it, and book reviewing is similar in all the right ways.
What are you looking forward to on this blogging adventure?
I’m excited to read more memoirs – it’s such an eclectic genre, and one I didn’t know how much I loved until I started working at Every Free Chance.
Oh, and just for the record – I really DO like some books, I promise! Maybe I’ll even give a book five stars some day. Maybe…
To celebrate Melissa joining Every Free Chance Book Reviews, I’ve decided to host a giveaway! That’s right, I’m giving away a $15 gift card to Amazon or Barnes & Noble, a $5 gift card to Starbucks, and a paperback copy of Bridge to Terabithia (Melissa’s favorite book!). Just fill out the Rafflecopter form for your chance to win!
Happy reading wherever you and whenever you get a free chance!!!
by Michelle
Nice interview it’s always so fun to learn about new people!
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Thanks! I had fun interviewing her. I even learned some things and I’ve been in her family for 9 years!!! LOL Thanks for stopping by and welcoming Melissa! Good luck in the giveaway!
by amanda
Babies and granny carts are the sexiest ensemble ever!
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
I have yet to see this combo on her. I’m sure it is sexy!
by Holly U
Welcome, Melissa!
by Julie
Good for you, Melissa! It seems like this will be great fun, and I’m sure, like Chrissy, you’ll be perfect at it!
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Thanks, Julie! I’m excited to have Melissa on board. She’s doing a great job!
by ericasz
Welcome Melissa. Looking forward to reading your posts!
by Todd Ellis
Hey Melissa – looking forward to this blog and your posts
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
I hope you enjoy them! Thanks for stopping and welcoming Melissa! Good luck in the giveaway.
by christeeny
Welcome Melissa!!

I love the interview (I, too, drink my coffee black, am a vegetarian–technically pescetarian–and hate wearing shoes). And I love what you said about writing with a mastery of language and showing, not telling. There’s nothing more disappointing to me than reading a book that has such a great premise, but that falls short due to poor writing skills. Writing is a skill that must be practiced and refined over time–something a lot of people unfortunately overlook when writing a book. Can’t wait to read more of your reviews, because I feel we have a similar critiquing style
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
I agree, too. It can be so disappointing when the premise of a book is so promising, so exciting, so intriguing but then the book fails because the book couldn’t get off the ground. Or because the reader struggles to get through the writing.
by Chundra Hill
Welcome Melissa. I liked the interview
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
I had fun interviewing her! I learned a lot about her despite being in her family for a while!
Good luck in the giveaway!
by Meghan Stith
Welcome Melissa! I’m sure you’ll do a great job!
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Thanks, Meghan! I’m excited to have Melissa on board. Good luck!!! And thanks for stopping by!
by Christine
Thank you and a welcome to Melissa.
by Cali W.
thanks for the giveaway and welcome Melissa. <3
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
You’re welcome and good luck! Thanks for following, too!
by Bethie
Welcome, Welcome!
by Lilian @ A Novel Toybox
Hi Melissa! Welcome to the blog, I look forward to reading your reviews =).
Lilian @ A Novel Toybox
by Dayna
Hi there and WELCOME Melissa!
I just have a question, is it Melissa we should follow and friend on Goodreads and where is the link or last name/username to follow/friend
Thanks for the giveaway and welcome Melissa!
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
Hi Dayna!
Right now, you can follow/friend me (Chrissy) on Goodreads. The button is on the right sidebar (the green circles – the one with the g).
Thanks for entering and good luck!
by Nara
So sorry! I didn’t realise it was US only and entered. Please remove my entries
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
No problem! Thank you for entering and visiting the blog! I do host international giveaways as well so be sure to visit often, Nara.
by Mimi Bennett Lovell
Welcome to the blog!!!
by Marissa
Welcome Melissa. Thanks for this great interview
by Erika
Welcome Melissa! Thanks for the great interview and giveaway!