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Blog Tour: Dreamscape by Christie Rich (review, giveaway)


Dreamscape CoverDreamscape (Netherworld #1)
written by Christie Rich
published by Tarser Publishing

find it here: Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Smashwords, Book Depository, Goodreads

Why did I pick this book: I participated in the blog tour hosted by CBB Book Promotions(I received a copy of this book for review purposes.)

Did I enjoy this book:
I liked the premise – it’s sort of a What Dreams May Come meets The Matrix type thing, and that’s what kept me reading.  There’s lots of information to process, and having a new character (Amelia) enter the Dreamscape world is a great way to disseminate the information readers need to keep up.

Amelia is spunky.  I like her.  She’s got an unpolished charm that will endear her to readers—even while she’s flipping other characters ‘the bird’.  Seth, on the other hand, isn’t quite so likeable.  Sure, he’s attractive, but he’s also seriously flawed.  He lies a lot, then gets caught lying, then laments the fact that Amelia has trouble trusting him.  He spends much of his time fixing things that go wrong because he’s forgotten to plan for them, or, often, because Amelia doesn’t do exactly what he hopes she will do (though he never actually tells her what it is he’d like her to be doing, exactly).  Later in the book we find out that he’s missing a piece of his soul, and, optimist that I am, I’m really hoping that once he gets it back he’ll stop being quite so… um… stupid.  He’s got almost all of the qualities of a killer Romance Novel Hero, he’s just got some – forgive me – soul searching to do.

I’m confident that another round of editing will take care of the grammar and punctuation snafus (especially since I read a pre-publication version of the text), so although I got annoyed with the questions ending with exclamation points and statements ending with question marks, I’m not going to discount the book because of them.


Would I recommend it: Dreamscape is a guilty little pleasure of a book.  I recommend you pour a glass of wine, draw a bath, and sneak off for a relaxing evening filled with romance, dreams, and some flirty ass-kicking.  You might just want to hide the book under your bed when you’re done reading it.  **grin**

Will I read it again: No, but I’m definitely interested in reading the rest of the Netherworld series.
About the book:
Every night before Amelia falls asleep she makes a wish to dream of him – the man who calls her to their beautiful private oasis, her sanctuary where she is free of her greedy landlord’s threats. But tonight, he will not call Amelia to him. Tonight, another man will step into her world to claim her. Tonight, Amelia’s shattering reality will crumble – and disappear into the Dreamscape…along with her freedom.

When Amelia dreams tonight, her nightmare becomes her new world where Seth is her captor and anything is possible…except escape. Seth needs Amelia to break the curse that binds him to the Dreamscape. He must convince her that she was made to free him, that she was made to join him.

For if he fails, he will never escape his prison, and he will lose Earth to the Netherworld where the evil Erobos wait to consume the human realm and everything in it. If he fails, Seth will lose the one thing that matters to him: Amelia.


Christie Rich Author PhotoAbout the author: I grew up daydreaming about fairytales, and my love for discovering new worlds has never died. I am not one of those writers who always knew I would write. I thought that was what other people did until one day, a few years ago, I took a challenge from a friend and typed my first words. My journey has been wonderful, and I cannot imagine a day where I would ever give up writing. My love for reading is what fueled my imagination in the first place and still does. When I am not writing or reading, I enjoy family time with my husband and two children.  My family and I live in a quiet community in Northern Utah, and I am so thankful for the rich life I have been blessed with.

Find Ms. Rich here: Website, Blog, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Goodreads

 Thanks for stopping by my blog for the Dreamscape tour!

This tour is hosted by CBB Book Promotions and you can find the tour page with the schedule and links HERE.


And now for the GIVEAWAY!! Fill out the Rafflecopter form below for your chance to win 1 of 2 prizes!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Happy reading wherever you are and whenever you get a free chance!!!


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  • by Christie Rich
    Posted August 20, 2013 8:11 am 0Likes

    Hi Chrissy,

    Thanks so much for participating in my tour and taking the time to read and review Dreamscape. I really appreciate it.

    Much love,


  • by candacesbookblog
    Posted August 20, 2013 12:35 pm 0Likes

    Thanks for hosting a tour stop and for your honest thoughts! We can’t all love the same things, but it sounds like this was still worth the read for you.
    Thanks again!

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