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Blog Tour: Chasing Memories by Tia Silverthorne Bach (spotlight, guest post, giveaway)

Chasing_Memories_Final_FOR WEB 5713Chasing Memories
written by Tia Silverthorne Bach
published by Tia Silverthorne Bach

find it here: Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Book Depository, Goodreads

About the book: There isn’t another way; not now. The others are coming. I can’t let them have you…

Seventeen-year-old Reagan has a problem: She can’t remember what happened the night her brother was taken.

Now, the dreams haunting her from the incident are becoming more intense by the day. All the while, the lines between what’s real and what’s a product of her paranormal-obsessed mind are becoming blurred.

Is she losing her mind or has she just stepped into a world she thought only existed in books?

Caught in a web of worried parents, competing boys, Wiccan relatives, protective amulets, and psychiatrist babble, Reagan must determine the truth before it’s too late.

Every Free Chance Book Reviews is pleased to welcome Tia Silverthorne Bach, author of Chasing Memories, to the blog today. She is touring the blogosphere with Tribute Books and has prepared the following guest post for all of you.

Where There’s A Will, There’s a Write

By Tia Silverthorne Bach

Thanks to my life of changing geographic locations, I have learned to write anywhere and everywhere. If I don’t have a laptop, I always have a notebook tucked somewhere for random ideas that I don’t want to lose.

Since I began my creative writing path, just over thirteen years ago, I have lived in six different locations. Just last month, I moved from the D.C. area to the San Francisco area. Each day I’ve found a new and inspiring place to write.

Right now, I’m sitting next to the water writing. I’m inspired by everything around me: the movement of the wind, the sound of birds chirping, kids at play, the slight ripples in the water, the leaves moving on the tree, the colors. Even when I do write from home, I move from room to room until the Muse chooses to visit. When I feel stagnant, my writing suffers.

Before I owned a laptop, I would write longhand in a notebook and then type it up once I was sitting at my computer. More than ever, my office is truly wherever my imagination takes me.

Foster City laptop 713 writing

And it has taken me many places… from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic to the Rocky Mountains. Every place inspires me in a different way. My latest novel, Chasing Memories, was inspired by my stint in Colorado and a family trip to Yellowstone. Truer beauty I’ve rarely seen. Parts of Chasing Memories were written while I was visiting a dear friend in Breckenridge. Inspired by the beauty of snow-covered mountains and bright blue skies, I set my novel in Colorado.

Breck 2012

A memorable book is one that transports you to another place, one that you can vividly imagine in your mind. The more places I can go to write, to be inspired, the better my stories will be. Plus, any day outside in nature is a pretty good day at the office.

Chasing Memories Tia author picAbout the author: Tia Silverthorne Bach is an avid reader, sometimes runner, involved wife and mother, and rabid grammar hound in addition to being a multi-genre writer. Her three daughters were born in Chicago, San Diego, and Baltimore; and she feels fortunate to have called many places home. She’s the award-winning co-author of Depression Cookies, a coming of age story written with her mother. Tia’s office is wherever her laptop takes her and any place that’s conducive to allowing a wild imagination like hers to flourish.

Find Ms. Bach here: web, author blog, book review blog, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads


And now for the GIVEAWAY!! Fill out the Rafflecopter form below for your chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card or PayPal cash!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Happy reading wherever you are and whenever you get a free chance!!!


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  • by Tribute Books
    Posted August 21, 2013 9:43 am 0Likes

    I absolutely love this post and getting to ‘see’ what inspires Tia to write. Great job, you guys! 🙂

  • by Tia Bach
    Posted August 21, 2013 5:37 pm 0Likes

    Thanks so much for hosting me today and spreading the word about Chasing Memories. I truly appreciate it.

    • by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
      Posted August 21, 2013 6:18 pm 0Likes

      It was my pleasure, Tia! And thanks for writing a guest post for my blog. It was great. I love learning where writers write and find their inspiration. I also think that’s valuable for other readers and writers to learn as well.

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