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GIVEAWAY!! Blog Tour – Spotlight: The Tartan Shroud by Ken Dalton with a guest post

The Tartan Shroud
written by Ken Dalton          
published by Different Drummer Press

find it here: Barnes & Noble, AmazonGoodreads

About the book: A bulldozer unearths a young girl’s body on a golf course in Scotland but for some reason, Fergus Murray, the top crime officer in Tayside seems unwilling to pursue the case. Fergus contacts Willow Stone, his American cousin and pleads for help. Willow, Pinky’s favorite ex-wife, calls in all her chips and convinces Pinky, Bear, Flo, and Ettamae to go to the small Scottish town of Pitlochry to help her cousin find the killer. Along the way the American’s come across a forester with a wonky eye—haggis—the occasional bad weather spring day—various Scottish policeman all named McSomething—mutton pie—a near new, sixty-year-old Austin Taxi—a bathroom that could double for a freezer—the nearly indecipherable Scottish accent—many glasses of whiskey and beer—ancient records—a broadsword—and a real Duke! Ride with Bear, Flo, and Henry during their final mad dash across Scotland to try to stop the murderer before he kills again inside the hallowed halls of Blair Castle. 

Every Free Chance Book Reviews is pleased to welcome Ken Dalton, author of The Tartan Shroud, to the blog today. Mr. Dalton is touring the blogosphere with Tribute Books and he has prepared the following guest post for all of you.

I asked Mr. Dalton the following: What is your process for writing a series of books? Is it difficult to write them as a series as well as standalone books?

Here is his response…
All novels, series or standalone, require characters, a good plot and a location. In a series the main characters are established, so all the writer has to do is maintain their personalities and let them grow, if the author feels that some development would give the character more depth.

For example, I have given Flo more, and more, complexity with each novel. From the frightened, abandoned woman in the first book, The Bloody Birthright, to a woman comfortable with sharing her life with Bear in The Big Show Stopper, to a woman with a mysterious past in Death is a Cabernet, to the college golf star in The Tartan Shroud. Flo has become the only character who will keep the reader wondering what unexpected revelation will pop up next. 

On that note, I feel it is extremely important that all of the expansion of Flo’s character comes directly from Flo as she informs Pinky or Bear of a past life experience. Thus, Flo maintains control of her past, the life she lead before she became involved with Bear.

With the other two characters, Pinky and Bear, I plan on maintaining their basic personas.

Pinky will continue to be the nasty, self-centered lawyer whose main object in life is to amass as much money as he can. His relationships with women could be summed up  by this song title, “When I’m not near the girl I love, I love the girl I’m near.”

And Bear? He’s happy with his life of watching the Boston Red Sox on TV, downing a couple of beers, and trying to figure out how to get Flo naked more than once a day.

So the major difference between a series and a standalone is that I have all the characters lined up where the standalone author has to create, and develop the characters.

It is obvious that both a series and a standalone novel will require a plot.

So that leaves location. In my Pinky and Bear series, Pinky, Bear, and Flo start out each novel in Carson City, Nevada, the state capitol.  Carson City is one of the smaller capitols in America and as such, that could give the dynamic trio a touch of an inferiority complex. From Carson City, each novel takes the reader to an area, or a foreign country, that could be new to them. In the four novels of the series, my readers have journeyed across the Atlantic to Italy and Scotland—to the Northeast corner of Canada—through the dry wastelands of Eureka, Nevada, and Needles, California, and to the lush vineyards of Northern California’s wine country. 

About the author: Ken Dalton was born in 1938 at Hollywood Hospital. He grew up with his parents, his older sister, Pat, and younger brother, Richard, in Los Angeles. The year 1938 informs the quick reader that Ken’s older than a lot of people, but younger than some.

In a turn of bad luck, the dreaded Polio virus found Ken.

At the end of World War ll, Ken’s family moved to Cheyenne, Wyoming, for a year where he learned how to live through snow blizzards, avoid walking through the large pile of coal in the basement, and how to survive life as an Army Officer’s brat on a base called Fort Warren.

By the age of sixteen, after eleven years of operations, therapy, and braces, Ken’s luck changed dramatically when he met the girl of his dreams at a party. A few years later they married, produced three wonderful children, and settled into a happy life in Southern California.

In 1966, Ken, who worked as a technician for Pacific Bell, and his family left Southern California for the green hills of Sonoma County where they bought a home in Sebastopol surrounded with apple trees. A few years later, Ken and Arlene built a new home on three and a half acres. They raised cows, pigs, and learned how to build outstanding fences. While their children grew, they hosted two exchange students, Eva Reimers from Sweden, and Tanja Wuttke from Germany, both of whom are still loved members of the Dalton clan. Also during those years, Ken was promoted to management at Pacific Bell. He eventually ended up responsible for all the central offices, sixty-three, in an area that covered five counties.

In 1977, Ken, Arlene, Bob Wiltermood, and his wife Norma, designed, built, and operated a 2000 case winery named Pommeraie Vineyards. They produced award winning Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay. However, after Bob died, the winery was sold. Ken and Arlene moved to a hilltop in Healdsburg.

With the winery gone, and time on their hands, Ken and Arlene started to perform with the Camp Rose Players. Twenty years and forty productions later, both are still acting and singing.

Life was good. All Ken had to do was learn some lines and bow when the audience applauded.

Then, ten years ago, Ken started to write. His first article was published in Golf Illustrated in August 1996. More golf articles followed in national and regional magazines including Golf Magazine and Fairways and Greens.

After a two-year stint on the County Grand Jury, Ken felt the need to begin his first novel.

Now, after a decade of struggle to learn the craft of writing, Ken has become the publishing world’s latest overnight sensation.
Find Mr. Dalton here: web, Facebook, Goodreads

And now for the GIVEAWAY!! Fill out the Rafflecopter form below for your chance to win a paperback copy of The Tartan Shroud!

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Happy reading wherever you are and whenever you get a free chance!!!
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  • by Tribute Books
    Posted January 7, 2013 4:50 pm 0Likes

    Chrissy, thanks for giving mystery fans a chance to win the latest in Ken’s series 🙂

    • by The Every Free Chance Reader
      Posted January 7, 2013 6:27 pm 0Likes

      It was my pleasure, Nicole!

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