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GIVEAWAY!! Blog Tour: Fire Prophet (Son of Angels #2) by Jerel Law
Fire Prophet (Son of Angels #2)
written by Jerel Law
published by Thomas Nelson Publishers
find it here: Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Goodreads
Why did I pick this book: I participated in the blog tour hosted by YA Bound. (I received a copy of this book for review purposes.)
Did I enjoy this book: I did enjoy this book but not quite as much as I enjoyed Spirit Fighter. The first half of Fire Prophet was a bit slow. The action and excitement did not hit me until the last third of the book.
As with Spirit Fighter, this story is also about putting all of your faith and trust in God. The heroes – Jonah and Eliza – continue to rely on God to help them through the tough situations because they know that God knows what is best for each of them and what each of them can handle.
We are also introduced to Jonah and Eliza’s little brother, Jeremiah, as well as David. Each of them, along with the other quarterlings that are on the earth, are sent to the Convent of Saint John of the Empty Tomb to learn more about the spiritual arts as well as to hone their angelic gifts. This is where the book really dragged for me. We knew they were at school, but the lessons were not told in much detail. I think it would have been more interesting to learn more about the lessons and the interactions between all of the quarterlings. I would have also enjoyed hearing more back story about the other quarterlings. I know Jonah is the main character, but it would give him some insight as to his purpose to learn more about the others. For example, David is a pretty integral part in Fire Prophet, yet we learn next to nothing about him. We get snapshots, but not a whole picture. That seems to be the case with most of the book…we get glimpses, a few bursts of action, but no follow through. No completion. Maybe we will find out more in a future book.
The two main lessons learned in Fire Prophet are the power of prayer and the armor of God. Those are good lessons to teach the middle grade, and older, reader. Sometimes we, as adults, forget these two lessons.
Would I recommend it: I would recommend this book. I did enjoy it and I like the series. I do want to see what will happen next.
Will I read it again: I probably will when my sons are old enough to read this series.
About the book – from Goodreads: What if you could actually see angels and fallen angels engaging in battle-and you were expected to join the fight?
It’s been one year since Jonah Stone and his sister, Eliza, discovered that their mother is a Nephilim, the product of a union between a human and a fallen angel, which makes them and their little brother, Jeremiah, “quarterlings,” or one-quarter angel. After embarking on an epic journey to rescue their mother and the other Nephilim, who were kidnapped by fallen angels, the Stone kids have enjoyed a little peace and quiet.
But when Jonah and Eliza are attacked by fallen angels at school, they learn that quarterlings all over the world are being targeted, and separating them from their parents is the only way to keep them safe. The kids undergo special training to help them discover their own unique angelic gifts, which come in handy when they embark on a mission to find a mysterious prophet who they believe holds the key to Abaddon’s defeat in a massive battle between good and evil.

written by Jerel Law
published by Thomas Nelson
find it here: Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Goodreads
About the book – from the publisher: What if Nephilim – the children of angels and men – still walked the earth? And their very presence put the entire world in danger? In Spirit Fighter, Jonah and Eliza Stone learn that their mother is a Nephilim and that they have special powers as quarter-angels. When their mom is kidnapped by fallen angels, they must use those powers to save her. Along the way, they discover that there is a very real and dangerous war going on between good and evil and that God has a big part of them to play in that war.
About the author: Jerel Law is a gifted communicator and pastor with seventeen years of full-time ministry experience. He holds his undergraduate degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (go Tarheels!), and a master of divinity degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Jerel began writing fiction as a way to encourage his children’s faith to come alive. He lives in North Carolina with his family. Spirit Fighter is his first novel.
And now for the GIVEAWAY!! Fill out the Rafflecopter form below for your chance to win a paperback copy of Fire Prophet! (US Only)
Happy reading wherever you are and whenever you get a free chance!!!