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Hym and Hur by Phillip Frey

Hym and Hur
written by Phillip Frey          
published by Phillip Frey via Smashwords

find it here: Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Smashwords, Goodreads

Why did I pick this book: The author, Phillip Frey, requested that I review his book. I accepted his request. (I received a copy of this book for review purposes.)

Did I enjoy this book: Hym and Hur was alright. It was a very short story that I read in under an hour. But for me, it just didn’t make much sense.

The main characters, Hym and Hur, were cute and they want to do good in the world – even though Hym likes to play pranks every now and then. But their names made the story a bit difficult for me to read. I wanted to read he and she every time Hym and Hur were written because it would have been “more correct” that way. (And I realize the characters names are meant to be fun…it just made it a bit hard to read for me.)

The end of the story came about rather abruptly. (And, yes, I do understand this is a short story and it will end quickly. But it was just a bit too quick.) But the ending was happy and a good one. It fit the story. 

Would I recommend it: If you like short, quirky stories with a message, then yes, you should read this one. Otherwise, I would not recommend this book. 

Will I read it again: I will not. 

About the book – from Goodreads: 
Hym and Hur are a young couple who never age and have been in love for more than a century. They also possess an array of magical abilities, two of which are either to play pranks on humankind or to perform good deeds. Enacting both at the same time is now what gets them into trouble, especially since it’s the unruly character of Death they must deal with to bring their plans to fruition.

The prank Hym and Hur have come up with must first be agreed upon by Death, who happens to be a rambunctious, difficult character. Once agreed upon, the prank is set in motion. Hym and Hur soon discover Death had tricked them into a contract with dire consequences for all of us.

During their attempt to break the contract, Hym and Hur try to save the relationship of an earthbound couple, knowing they are truly meant for each other. A good deed that will bring Hym and Hur even more trouble.

Happy reading wherever you are and whenever you get a free chance!!!
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