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Melissa’s Review: The Empyrean Key by J.L. Tomlinson

The Empyrean Key (Ardentia, #1)

The Empyrean Key
written by J. L. Tomlinson
published by Side Eye Publishing, 2014

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Smashwords, Book Depository, Goodreads

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange  for an honest review.

Did I enjoy this book: If it weren’t for the plethora of grammatical errors, I’d give this book five stars.

The story is AWESOME, and I’m excited to read the next installment. The characters are well developed and memorable, and though I wish Tomlinson had split the two storylines a little more evenly, her world building is spot-on. We’ve all read this plot before, but it’s a good one. I’m especially pleased with Jahna’s side kicks . . . I need a friend like Lilac! I’m tempted to compare The Empyrean Key to the Mistborn  series, but again, without proper revision it just falls short.



“I’m invisible and holding hands with a six fingered man. I’m not sure how I feel right now.”



Would I recommend it: Yes. Do your best to ignore the editing errors—this story is worth it.

UPDATE 8/1/15: The author hired a new editor, re-edited the book, and sent updated copies to all reviewers since I wrote my original review. I don’t have time to re-read the book, but I applaud Tomlinson’s efforts, and I’m going to upgrade my rating to 4 stars. Well done, J. L.  



About the book – from Goodreads: 
The first book in a new epic fantasy series…

Jahna Mornglow is a thief, a liar and an unassuming misfit, a half-breed of the loathed and ostracized Narcean race, born with the abilities of prophecy and telepathy.

The dull monotony of her beachside home is eased by nights in the outer villages, scamming unsuspecting fishermen out of their hard earned coin. It is the most fun and profit Jahna and her friends, a brawling barmaid and a bullied bookworm, can expect from their lower class lives.

The land of Ardentia is vast and magical, carved by the Celestial gods and ruled by their mortal descendants. With a once great king now mysteriously ill, a hundred years war raging in the east and whispers of the return of an ancient evil, Ardentia’s fate balances on the tip of a blade.

The ghosts of Jahna’s past will call upon her, revealing hidden enemies, precious secrets and a fragmented artifact that will breath new life into the myths of old.

Can Jahna keep safe a world that has shunned and discarded her?



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