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GIVEAWAY!! Blog Tour – Spotlight: At What Cost by J. Anderson with a guest post by the author
At What Cost
written by J. Anderson
published by Astraea Press
find it here: Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Goodreads
About the book – from Goodreads: During her junior year, sixteen-year-old Maggie Reynolds expected to shop for prom dresses not maternity clothes. Now, instead of studying for the SATs, she’s reading, What to Expect When You’re Expecting. Maggie’s ‘Mother Dearest’ lives in fear that Maggie will somehow taint the family name, so Maggie can’t turn to her for help. Meanwhile, her father is oblivious to anything but his 9-9 job. And her boyfriend, Justin? She’s pretty sure he’ll stay by her side.
While Maggie wrestles with her options, Justin offers a solution: abortion. It would solve all her problems quickly, easily, and effectively. And her parents would never know, which means they won’t throw her out and cut her off like they’d always threatened if she got herself knocked up. Now Maggie must decide which choice she can live with: abortion or teenage motherhood. Either way, it’ll be a tough road to travel.
Every Free Chance Book Reviews would like to welcome J. Anderson to the blog today. She has written the following guest post on why she writes YA books.
Why I write YA by J. Anderson
I could answer this in one phrase: Because YA ROCKS! But I suppose that would still leave many of you hanging as to my in depth reasons, so I’ll take a moment to elaborate.
It all started when I was teaching middle school English. In order to keep up with the kids and to do it on their level, I began reading what they were reading. As soon as I started, I fell in love with the genre. Students would recommend books to me, and I’d recommend books to them. And we’d talk.
There’s something about YA literature that allows teens to open up, to relate to life through the words on the page. I loved this. I wanted to be able to connect with kids on their own level. YA literature allowed me to do that.
I also love YA because there’s such a wide variety of stories to choose from. You can grab something light and romantic like Sarah Dessen books, you can hit the middle road with some tough issues with Laurie Halse Anderson, or you can take a dive into the controversial with Ellen Hopkins. For those looking for fantasy, you can hit up a Christopher Paolini or a dystopian with Suzanne Collins or James Dashner. I look at the wide variety of topics, and I can’t help but respect these writers who are willing to put it on the line to reach kids. Look at Jay Asher with 13 REASONS WHY, LHA with WINTERGIRLS or SPEAK, and Hopkins with her CRANK or GLASS. These books approach issues that teens are dealing with. Suicide, anorexia, date rape, drugs. Like it or not, teens have to think about these things. And most of the time, talking to a parent is difficult for them. That’s why it’s so important to have something to identify with. Something that will make a young person think about their own life, about the decisions they make, and about how they treat others.
That’s why I love YA. It brings forth reality in a way a teen can relate to. It makes them think about how the world is and how they will fit into it. Now, that’s not to say all YA deals with tough issues. Certainly not, sometimes it’s just a good, fast paced story with amazing characters who draw us into their world, who make us fall in love or want to stand up for what’s right. And that’s needed just as much as those tough topic kind of books.
Whatever your taste, once you try YA, you’ll never look back. J I know I haven’t.
About the author: Jessie Andersen lives in a small town in Western New York with her husband and three kids. A former English teacher, she now spends her time writing while the kids are at school and the baby is sleeping. She volunteers at the local library and sings in the church band.
Find Ms. Anderson here: web, personal blog, book blog, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads
And now for the awesome GIVEAWAY!!! Fill out the Rafflecopter form below for your chance to win one of THREE ebook copies of At What Cost! This giveaway is open internationally.
Be sure to check out the other blog tour stops hosted by YA Bound!
http://www.readinginwinter.com – September 24 – Review
http://www.leisurereads.com – September 24 – Review
http://edandemreviews.blogspot.com/ – September 24 – Review
http://iheartyabooks.blogspot.com/ – September 25 – Review
http://www.readergirlsblog.com – September 25 – Interview & Excerpt
http://clairelouisereads.blogspot.com.au/ – September 25 – Review
http://scarletsilhouettes.blogspot.com/ – September 25 – Review
http://www.blookgirl.com – September 26 – Review
http://www.fortheloveoffilmandnovels.com/ – September 26 – Review
http://pinkpolkadotbookblog.blogspot.com/ September 26 – Review
http://melissaseclecticbookshelf.blogspot.com – September 26 – Promo Post
www.sweetsouthernhome.net – September 27 – Promo Post
http://adiaryofabookaddict.blogspot.com/ – September 27 – Review
http://everyfreechancebookreviews.blogspot.com/ – September 27 – Promo Post
http://paigebradish1996.blogspot.com/ – September 27 – Promo Post
http://book-spark.blogspot.com/ – September 28 – Review
http://taralenwalker.blogspot.com/ – September 28 – Promo Post
http://myneuroticbookaffair.blogspot.com – September 28 – Review
http://andisyoungadult.blogspot.com – September 29 – Review
http://www.crossroadreviews.com – September 29 – Review
http://themodpodgebookshelf.blogspot.com – September 29 – Promo Post
Happy reading wherever you are and whenever you get a free chance!!!
by Jessie Andersen
Thanks for being part of the tour! I’m glad I could stop by today.
by The Every Free Chance Reader
It was my pleasure! I’m glad you stopped by and that you followed my blog! That’s awesome!!!