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Guest Post by Leslie Langtry – author of ‘Scuse Me While I Kill This Guy
Every Free Chance Book Reviews would like to welcome author, Leslie Langtry, to the blog today! She has provided you with a wonderful guest post about how she came up with the titles to her books. Also, be sure to check out ‘Scuse While I Kill This Guy, for free at Amazon and Smashwords. It is also available for Nook at Barnes & Noble.
Death by Chocolate is her favorite dessert. And those knitting needles aren’t just for craft projects. To most people, Gin Bombay is an ordinary single mom. Then again, they don’t know she’s from a family of top secret assassins. Somewhere between leading a Girl Scout troop for her kindergartner–would nooses count for a knot badge?–and keeping their puppy from destroying the furniture, Gin now has to take out a new target.
Except this target has an incredibly hot Australian bodyguard who knows just how to make her weak in the knees. But with a mole threatening to expose everything, Gin doesn’t have much time to let her hormones do the happy dance. She’s got to find the leak and clear her assignment…or she’ll end up next on the Bombay family hit list.
Except this target has an incredibly hot Australian bodyguard who knows just how to make her weak in the knees. But with a mole threatening to expose everything, Gin doesn’t have much time to let her hormones do the happy dance. She’s got to find the leak and clear her assignment…or she’ll end up next on the Bombay family hit list.
I know, I have some strange titles; SCUSE ME WHILE I KILL THIS GUY, GUNS WILL KEEP US TOGETHER, STAND BY YOUR HITMAN, I SHOT YOU BABE, and PARADISE BY THE RIFLE SIGHTS. When I sold my first book, ‘Scuse Me, my title was originally DEATH IN THE FAMILY. My editor told me it was too dark. I reminded her that it’s a book about a soccer mom/assassin. And she reminded me that it was a dark comedy, and therefore needed a funny name. That made sense.
So, I sat down and made a list. I made a list of 60 or so titles and sent them to her. SCUSE ME was number 57. I’d run out of ideas around #30 and turned to a glass of wine (or three) for inspiration. Needless to say, I was a bit loopy, and as a joke, wrote SCUSE ME WHILE I KILL THIS GUY.
I love stories of how people mangle song lyrics – mainly because I mangle song lyrics. Usually, I find out I’m wrong by singing the wrong lyrics loudly – so that my husband can correct me. For years, I thought the song, ALONE AGAIN, NATURALLY was ALONE AGAIN, ANGELINE. I even named a cat after that song. For years I thought the lyrics, “cuz it’s summer, summer time is here. Cuz it’s summer, my time of year,” was “God bless Lola, Lola’s time is here…” You get my drift.
So, I came up with a mangled Jimi Hendrix lyric.
My editor loved it. After picking my chin up off the floor, I decided she was right. It was a month before the realization set in that I’d have to name EVERY BOOK IN THE SERIES THAT WAY.
Fortunately, I mangle a LOT of song lyrics, which is how I came up with the rest of them. And people seem to love my titles – much to my surprise. At my first, ever books signing, a woman got down on her knees and praised me as the “God of Titles,” which was cool and a little bit weird.
I’m now working on a collection of short stories featuring my family of assassins throughout history. The title? SNUFF THE MAGIC DRAGON. Apparently, I can keep this going for quite a while…
Leslie Langtry
Praise for ‘Scuse Me While I Kill This Guy
“Irreverent, witty and fun…a wild, adventurous ride!”
-Katie MacAlister, New York Times Bestselling Author
“With an irreverent, tell-it-like-it-is, suburban-mom-assassin narrator, Leslie Langtry’s ‘Scuse Me While I Kill This Guy delivers wild and wicked fun.”
-Julie Kenner, USA Today Bestselling Author
“Darkly funny and wildly over the top, this mystery answers the burning question, ‘Do assassin skills and Girl Scout merit badges mix…’ one truly original and wacky novel!”
-Romantic Times BOOKreviews
“Those who like dark humor will enjoy a look into the deadliest female assassin and PTA mom’s life.”
-Parkersburg News
“The fast-paced romantic suspense chick lit thriller is over the top, but fans will want to follow suit as Leslie Langtry provides a satirical family drama.”
-Midwest Book Review
“Mixing a deadly sense of humor and plenty of sexy sizzle, Leslie Langtry creates a brilliantly original, laughter-rich mix of contemporary romance and suspense in ‘Scuse Me While I Kill This Guy”
-Chicago Tribune
“The beleaguered soccer mom assassin concept is a winner, and Langtry gets the fun started from page one with a myriad of clever details.”
-Publisher’s Weekly
About the author – Leslie Langtry: Leslie Langtry grew up in the small town of DeWitt, Iowa, where her teachers wrote, “Leslie spends too much time day dreaming in class,” on her report cards and kids wrote, “You are funny and really weird,” in her yearbooks. For some idiotic reason, Leslie didn’t fulfill her dream of becoming a published author until much later. Instead she lived and worked in Lynchburg, Virginia; Springfield, Illinois; Clinton, Iowa; and Rock Island, Illinois. Now she lives in the Quad Cities with her husband – Tom, kids – Margaret and Jack, a Pug, a Basset Hound and two cats. She divides her time between writing, her most excellent critique group and her perfectly behaved Girl Scout troop. Leslie is currently working on her next book. For more information, check out www.leslielangtry.com.
by Leslie Langtry
Thanks for having me! You have a fun site here!
by The Every Free Chance Reader
Anytime, Leslie! Thanks for checking it out. I look forward to reading your book!