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Acid Indigestion Eyes by Wayne Lockwood
Acid Indigestion Eyes
written by Wayne Lockwood
published by Codorus Press
Why did I pick this book: I heard through a friend that Mr. Lockwood was seeking out reviewers for his book, Acid Indigestion Eyes. I contacted him and he agreed to my reviewing his book. (I received a copy of this book for review purposes.)
Did I enjoy this book: I really did. I laughed out loud at parts, I nodded my head in agreement in parts, I shook my head in other parts. It was a fun read that I read every free chance I had.
There were great flashbacks and memories in each essay, some more than others. These references also brought back my own memories from this era. In “We’re All Wasted,” Mr. Lockwood refers to the purple mimeo paper…I remember getting those warm copies, touching them to your face, and taking a good whiff of them. One of my favorite quotes, that made me chuckle was – “Let the volume of silence slide all the way to 11.” (Some of you will get the reference, some of you may not. It made me laugh!)
Some of my other favorite essays from this collection of 65 were: “The Hatchet Man” – This was a great short on urban legends, I just had to laugh when I read it. “42” – I agree with most of the songs on this list. “Nothing Personal” – This was another one that made me chuckle out loud. “Mother’s Day” – This was a sad, yet very sweet story.
Would I recommend it: I would recommend this book…especially if you are a member of Generation X. It is a great “this was your life” type of book.
Will I read it again: I doubt it…but I may pick it up and read a few of the columns now and then.
About the book – MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS: This is a collection of 65 essays (columns of Mr. Lockwood’s). They cover a range of topics that members of Generation X can relate to.
Happy reading wherever you are and whenever you get a free chance!!!
by Lucie
Hi Chrissy,
I like to laugh outloud while reading a book…It’s a great feeling!
Great review.
One of your new follower,
by The Every Free Chance Reader
Hi Lucie,
Thanks for following my blog! I’m one of your new followers as well.
You should check out this book. It was a good laugh!