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Shaman, Healer, Heretic by M. Terry Green

Shaman, Healer, Heretic
written by M. Terry Green          
published by M. Terry Green

Why did I pick this book: The author asked me to review her upcoming second book in this series – Shaman, Friend, Enemy – and I happily accepted her request. (The author provided me with a copy of this book for review purposes.)

Did I enjoy this book: I really did. I didn’t expect to enjoy this book as much as I did, but I couldn’t put this book down. I read every free chance I had. This book caught my attention from the very first page – a Kachina in Livvy’s bedroom! – and didn’t let go until the very end. 

Livvy is so very likeable. She is a caring person who genuinely wants to help others. She cares about her clients and healing them, unlike other Shamans who seem to only be out for the money. Livvy is a techno-shaman and the author does a great job explaining what a shaman does and how a techno-shaman works. This was a subject I have not read before but I found it completely fascinating!

The action was great. Finding Tiamat – an ancient once defeated by Marduk – in the multiverse, Livvy has to help save the multiverse and other shamans in the process. What happens is so great!!! I want to tell you all about it but that would so spoil this book for you! Let me just say that I loved the ending…I didn’t see it coming at all!

The other characters help make this story very interesting and fascinating. SK is the best. The tension between he and Livvy is so apparent! Min is a great friend. 

Would I recommend it: I would recommend this book especially if you have never read any other books about Shamans. I never had before. 

Will I read it again: Probably not…but I will read more books in this series and more books by this author.

About the book – MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS: Olivia “Livvy” Lawson is a techno-shaman. She helps her clients come back from the multiverse. One morning, Livvy wakes with a kachina – a Hopi god – in her bedroom beckoning her. This isn’t normal, this isn’t possible, this isn’t right.

Soon, Livvy finds that she is encountering a lot of strange happenings in the multiverse – as are the other shamans in the LA area. Shamans are dying, the multiverse is changing, and now the shamans have to work together to survive. 

Happy reading wherever you are and whenever you get a free chance!!!

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