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Giveaway and Author Interview with Lindsay Paige!!!

A big welcome to Lindsay Paige, author of the Bold As Love series! Ms. Paige is here and giving away e-copies of all three books in the Bold As Love series!!! Be sure to fill out the Rafflecopter below. 

About Lindsay Paige

Lindsay Paige is a young adult romance author from North Carolina. Most of what Lindsay writes are her daydreams in lavish details. (Please excuse that fact when you read one of her future works about a girl who sleeps around.;)) When not writing, she is working to complete her final year of high school.

Lindsay loves to read, listen to music, watch and play tennis, along with watching her favorite hockey team, the Pittsburgh Penguins. Lindsay is a big fan of Sidney Crosby (87) and buys Penguins merchandise whenever she can.Many of the aspects of the characters in Sweetness were inspired by Lindsay’s own struggles, such as a recovering alcoholic father and the anxiety Emily suffers because of her past.

For Lindsay Paige’s full biography, visit her website.


1.What do you plan to do after you graduate from high school?

I’m going to attend a community college for my first two years and possibly transfer to UNC Chapel Hill. The details are fuzzy for after those two years.
2. Why did you decide to write Sweetness and the Bold As Love series?

Writing came as a surprise. Last year, I was having a really tough time with my anxiety and that’s an understatement. I was having trouble in school, couldn’t sleep well, along with multiple severe panic attacks a day. I found a solution to falling asleep at a decent rate. Daydreaming. Emily and Jake were created in that daydream. Soon, the daydream wouldn’t leave me alone and I knew I needed another way to release the urge to tell what was happening. Thus, I began writing.
3. What kind of research did you have to do while writing Sweetness?

I didn’t do any research. Emily’s behavior is slightly based on characteristics of myself. Jake and his feelings to his father derived from myself and my feelings towards my father, who is an alcoholic as well. I could say that my research was from my own life.
4. Which character in Sweetness do you relate to the most? Why?

I could relate to Emily and Jake pretty well. As I said, Emily and I are alike in a lot of ways. However, I can really relate to Jake. Our fathers are alcoholics and there are a lot of feelings that have generated towards them. Honestly, it depends on the day. Sometimes, I feel it is Emily that I relate the most to and others, Jake.
5. What was your favorite scene to write in Sweetness? Why?
My favorite scene to write would have to be the last scene. Without giving too much away, I love how it shows that no matter what obstacles arise, we have the choice to overcome it or let it control us.
6. How long did it take you to write Sweetness? What was your writing process like?
It took me a year to write. While I was writing Sweetness, I was also writing book two, I’m Yours. My writing process is a little hectic, if you ask me. I’d get the urge to release everything at once and I would rush to my computer and begin writing, which is how I ended up writing the sequel at the same time. Many late nights were included for when I was still having trouble sleeping. Music is a big factor as well. I listened to it constantly while writing.
7. In one sentence, tell us why we should read your book.
I want to make readers feel something: anger, joy, sorrow, anything; and I believe Sweetnesswill make you feel.
8. Who is/are your favorite author(s)?
There are so many! To name a few, I love works by Jessica Park, Nicholas Sparks, Erica O’Rourke, Maria Snyder, Nancy Holder and Debbie Viguie, Cassandra Clare, Sarah Dessen, Jenny Han, John Green, Ellen Hopkins, and Rachel Vincent.
9. What are you currently reading right now?
I’m currently reading Oxford Messed Up by Andrea Kayne Kaufman and The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa.
10. I see that you are a Pens fan! Me, too. (I’m from the Pittsburgh area so it is kind of mandatory!) How did you come to love the Pens?
Being in NC, I used to support the Canes. However, I didn’t really ‘love’ them. I did love Justin Williams. When they traded him to a team across the country, I knew my heart left with him. I had to pick a team that I could love and support fully. I love penguins and I love Sidney Crosby. After learning more about the Penguins, it was clear that they were my team.

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  • by Unknown
    Posted May 29, 2012 8:16 pm 0Likes

    Ms. Paige wrote a book I can relate to. I have several Uncles that drank too much and I have seen the impact it made on their health, Wife and children.I enjoy a book that is showing a range of emotions and yet hope is a part in the future..kind of a rainbow after the storm. Thank you for the post and giveaway!
    Cyndee Thomas

    • by The Every Free Chance Reader
      Posted May 30, 2012 12:49 pm 0Likes

      I can say that these books do show a wide range of emotions and the hope that you speak of. Good luck in the giveaway! And thank you for stopping by my blog.

  • by Miss. Lucinda Fountain
    Posted May 30, 2012 10:47 am 0Likes

    As an amateur writer working on my first novel i found this interview to be most inspiring & insightful, not to mention about a really facinating book. I love this particular genre and would love to have the oportunity of reading Lindsay’s work. Thank you so much! Xx

    • by The Every Free Chance Reader
      Posted May 30, 2012 12:50 pm 0Likes

      Thanks for entering, Lucinda! Good luck with your first novel! (I’m still working on mine, too. Lindsay’s story is inspiring!)

  • by RaeBeth
    Posted May 31, 2012 2:41 pm 0Likes

    Thank you for the opportunity.

    • by The Every Free Chance Reader
      Posted May 31, 2012 8:41 pm 0Likes

      And thank you, RaeBeth for entering and checking out my blog! Good luck!

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