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The Lure of Shapinsay by Krista Holle

The Lure of Shapinsay
written by Krista Holle          
published by Krista Holle

Why did I pick this book: The author, Krista Holle, contacted me and asked me to review her book. I happily accepted her request. (The author provided me a digital copy for review purposes.)

Did I enjoy this book: I really enjoyed this book! I read it every free chance I had. This book hooked me in within the first few pages. I was so upset about that poor little baby at the very beginning. (Maybe that’s the mom in me, but I wanted to cry.) Then I thought, “is this book going to be all sad?” Thankfully, I was wrong. It isn’t all sad. This book was romantic, funny, engaging – a great read.

The language and culture was depicted in such a way that I felt like I was back in Scotland in 1848. The descriptions of Shapinsay were beautiful. I could clearly picture the island – and its inhabitants – clearly in my mind. The author’s research was obviously thorough, a job well done.

Before this book, I had never read anything about selkies or their legends. I thought the author explained the legend well and weaved throughout the story appropriately.  The author did such a good job that I still don’t know if Kait’s love is true or if it because of Eamon’s magical ability to lure her. But I cared about Kait and Eamon. I wanted them to work out. I wanted them to get together. I wanted to see what happened to the two of them. The author definitely kept me reading and wanting more. (In fact, I would love a sequel!)

The secondary characters were fantastic as well. I cared about Blair. He was the “big” brother that really meant well but failed miserably. He and Kait are as close as ever. Tipper was always thought of as a crazy felkyo (witch) but she has a greater story that the reader must wait for. Magnum is a proud man who agreed with the wrong person to have Kait’s heart.

The book trailer that the author provided was really good. I watched it before I read the book and it made me want to read the book all the more! Here is the trailer for you to see:

Check out my interview with the author, Krista Holle, and the awesome Giveaway!!!

Would I recommend it: I would recommend this book to any lover of paranormal romance. It is different from most books of this genre in that there isn’t a vampire or werewolf in sight…only the selkie.

Will I read it again: I just may but this was not a book that I must read every year. 

About the book – MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS: Kait Swanney has lived on Shapinsay her entire life. After her parents die, Kait and her brother, Blair, remain living in the same house that they grew up in. 

Kait loves the water…she has been swimming in the sea since she was a wee lass. Kait takes no heed of the old legends from the village regarding the selkies. The selkies – seal men and women who can shed their skin and become human – have been known to entice women and men to their death beneath the sea. Although, Kait has never had reason to fear the selkies, that all changes when she is seen looking for a half-selkie baby that had been thrown into the sea.

A selkie man sees Kait shortly after the baby dies. He resolves to hunt her down and kill her. He tracks her down but after she spouts her innocence, something changes in Eamon’s resolve. His magic lures her to the point that she obsesses over seeing “her” selkie again and reuniting with him. She wants her selkie so badly that she risks everything to be with him.

Will she find her selkie? Will he love and want her? Or is she just being lured to her death?

Happy reading wherever you are and whenever you get a free chance!!!

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  • by Michelle Chew
    Posted March 20, 2012 7:20 am 0Likes

    The trailer is GOOD! Really want to know how she will risk her life to be with him. Great review you have there which goes in-depth into characters. 🙂

    • by The Every Free Chance Reader
      Posted March 20, 2012 7:22 pm 0Likes

      Thanks! Isn’t the trailer really good??? I loved it when I first saw it!

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