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Millie’s Fling by Jill Mansell
Millie’s Fling
written by Jill Mansell
published by Sourcebooks, Incorporated
Why did I pick this book: I read Perfect Timing by the same author and enjoyed it. I had this book in my Nook…so…I read it.
Did I enjoy this book: I did. It was your classic British chick lit. Easy, fun, light, made me like the characters and care what happened to them.
This was a sweet story and I really liked the instant rapport between Millie and Hugh. The whole crossword puzzle clue schtick was great! I wanted them to get together and stay together.
Lucas was a surprising character. Not at all what I expected him to be. I loved how his story played out!
Hester really annoyed me. She was the “the grass has to be greener over there” girl. She was willing to risk a great boyfriend for a dream…an infatuation that wasn’t reciprocated.
Orla Hart was wonderful and I loved her ending and who she ended up with! That was great!!! I wanted to kick her a few times for staying with Giles.
Would I recommend it: I would…especially if you like chick lit including British chick lit.
Will I read it again: Maybe…we’ll have to see.
About the book – MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS: The heroine, Millie Brady, is beautiful but thinks she isn’t. She has a boyfriend that does not sound like her type. When her boyfriend asks Millie to live with him, she thought (and dreaded) that he was going to propose to her. However, her attention was drawn to the redheaded woman pacing by the cliff where many suicides occur. Millie, ignoring her boyfriend, rushes to the woman and prevents the suicide. Who was this woman? Best-selling author, Orla Hart.
To thank Millie for literally saving her life, Orla offers Millie a job of sorts. Orla wants to write a novel based on an ordinary girl’s life – Millie’s life. Millie agrees and off she goees on this adventure…some of which is orchestrated by Orla.
During all of this, Millie meets – by chance, of course – a nice, sexy, funny, good-natured, newly widowed man who turns out to be “The One.” However, Hugh cannot commit to his feelings for Millie. He still has guilt that he is cheating on his deceased wife. How can he reconcile his growing feelings for Millie and his love for his late wife?
Millie’s roommate, Hester, is the typical sidekick – not quite as pretty or built, but she is self-employed and has a wonderful boyfriend who is, sadly away for a job in a great restaurant. Sadly, Hester thinks she is missing out. She is still infatuated with Lucas Kemp – a guy who could care less about her except as a friend. What transpires between them is great and helps Hester see what a great guy she has in her boyfriend, Nat.
If you have read it, let me know what you think!!!