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Linger (Wolves of Mercy Falls series #2) by Maggie Stiefvater
Linger (Wolves of Mercy Falls series #2)
written by Maggie Stiefvater
published by Scholastic, Inc.
Why did I pick this book: I read the first book in the series, Shiver, and it was a cliffhanger of sorts that left me wanting more. No sooner did I finish Shiver, did I open Linger.
Did I enjoy this book: I did. I read this book every free chance I had and I couldn’t wait to finish it and see what happened.
I was a bit uneasy when the author introduced two new perspectives to those of Sam and Grace. But the voices of Cole and Isabel were great additions to this story. Their interaction with each other was great to read.
A good second book in a trilogy. That doesn’t always happen – a second book in a trilogy being good. This was pretty good. It definitely serves as an arc – a necessary, exciting, read it whenever you possibly can arc – between Shiver and Forever.
Cole becomes an unlikely hero. Isabel actual cares about something. Sam is “cured”. Grace gets really sick. All of the characters are trying to find out who they are and where they are meant to be. It is interesting to watch them try to put the puzzle pieces of their lives together. Where do each of them fit in this world of Mercy Falls?
Would I recommend it: Yes, I would. Especially if you’ve read Shiver. (I have a hard time believing that anyone could read Shiver and not read Linger as well.)
Will I read it again: Most likely.
About the book – MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS. especially if you haven’t read Shiver: This book picks up right where Shiver left off. Sam is now a human – somehow the shot of the meningitis virus cured him. And he is back with Grace. He spends every night with Grace in her room. They are in love, a true love not some flighty teenage love. Soon, her parents become parents and start questioning whether Sam is right for Grace and if they are too serious.
Meanwhile, Grace is getting sick, something she never is. Grace starts getting headaches and nausea. This escalates to fevers and bloody noses to, at its worst, throwing up blood. And on top of all of this, Grace’s parents have forbid her to see her beloved Sam. Grace defies her parents…a first in their eyes and something that must be blamed on Sam.
Sam has to – rather reluctantly – step into the role of provider and keeper of the werewolves. Beck recruited some new people who want to become werewolves. However, this is Beck’s last change. That means Sam is in charge now. The newest member of the pack – Cole St. Clair – is not a person Sam wants to get to know. He seems toxic and Sam cannot believe that Beck brought him into their pack.
Isabel Culpepper, despite losing her brother because of the wolf bite and her attempt to cure him, wants to help Sam and Grace, as well as the wolves. She takes an interest in Cole. Will they develop something together? Will Sam and Grace end up happily ever after?
If you have read it, let me know what you think!!!