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DNF: Stranger at Sunset by Eden Baylee (Belinda’s review)

Stranger at SunsetStranger at Sunset
written by Eden Baylee
published by Eden Baylee

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooksGoodreads

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange  for an honest review.

Where I stopped reading: The 20% point on my Kindle

Why I stopped reading: I can see where this book would have appeal to some readers. I’m afraid I’m not one of them. The beginning of the book read more like a romance novel for me. I didn’t see the mystery element.

I’m not saying it isn’t a good book. It just isn’t a good fit for my taste.

What others have rated this book: According to Goodreads, the average rating for Stranger at Sunset is 4.59 stars. It looks like a majority of readers gave this book 5 stars. There were 21 5-star reviews on Amazon. At Barnes & Noble, there were no reviews. Just because I didn’t finish this book doesn’t mean you won’t.

About the book – from Goodreads: Dr. Kate Hampton, a respected psychiatrist, gathers with a group of strangers at her favorite travel spot, Sunset Villa in Jamaica. Included in the mix are friends of the owners, a businessman with dubious credentials, and a couple who won the trip from a TV game show.

It is January 2013, following the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. The luxury resort is struggling, not from the storm, but due to a scathing review from caustic travel writer, Matthew Kane. The owners have invited him back with hopes he will pen a more favorable review to restore their reputation.

Even though she is haunted by her own demons, Kate feels compelled to help. She sets out to discover the motivation behind Kane’s vitriol. Used to getting what he wants, has the reviewer met his match in Kate? Or has she met hers?

Stranger at Sunset is a slow-burning mystery/thriller as seen through the eyes of different narrators, each with their own murky sense of justice. As Kate’s own psychological past begins to unravel, a mysterious stranger at Sunset may be the only one who can save her.



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